CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Dig For Detail

When people generalise they often don’t have the detail or they do but it won’t help their cause. So you need to dig for the detail. Ask the questions. Don’t get palmed off. Request the detail as they should want to share that with you if they are open minded.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Be For Rather Than Against

Deciding what you are for is better for everyone. It is positive and can be equally as powerful. Be for rather than against something. You will feel better and look for good reasons to support your cause.

Google used to use “Don’t be evil” as a motto. On the surface, it is a good sentiment. Most people could agree that being evil is not a great focus for your life. However, every time you say it, you bring up the word evil. Then your mind conjures up a few evil thoughts, feelings and pictures in a millisecond.

Since re-structuring the company, the parent company Alphabet, selected “Do the right thing” as its motto. This feels inherently better. It seems better to have the word ‘right’ repeating in your head rather than the word ‘evil’.

Strangely, those two phrases have a very similar meaning or intent. However, it is important to note the more positive, upbeat feel of the ‘right’ phrase.

We should strive to use these positive types of phrases in our personal and business life.

Anyone using anti-something should rethink what they are trying to do. Being anti seems to lead to anger. And from pop culture we know anger leads to hate and then to the dark side. Presumably this defeats the purpose of trying to eradicate something. You might replace it with another form of anger or evil.

Be for rather than against.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Argue For Your Limitations

Have you ever told someone the reason why you can’t do something? What if they try to help you? Do you argue for your limitations?

We can be our own worst enemy. By saying that we can’t do something, we are making our own lives more difficult or miserable. Why do we do that?

If I say, “I can’t learn to use a computer,” I am telling you the problem I have. Then, if you say to me that you think I can learn to use a computer, you’d think I would hear you and agree. Maybe I could get curious and ask you why you think I can do it. I could look into courses, books or people who could help me learn.

However, many times we explain why we can’t use the computer. We might say that phrase about old dogs and tricks. Or maybe we note how we tried once and it did not work out well. Sometimes we might even resort to blaming someone else for not showing us in our youth.

Please, be a person who says they will give it a try. Be that person who will put some effort in and get started. Learn to grow and improve.

When we argue for our limitations, we usually get to keep them!