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Forecast For Fun

Few things can be known for certain. We play the odds all the time. In everything we do there is risk. We forecast for fun but often our lives depend on it.

There are many words similar to forecast, such as prediction, estimate or guess. We can also foretell, prophesy or even prognosticate, even if it does sound funny to say. I cannot foretell if you will agree with me or not. However, everyone is playing the odds at every moment.

We all like a little forecasting. We hope the weather forecast is spot on when it says sunny and warm. Some folks like to place a wager on their ability to foretell the future. We do this with the stock market and sports and while in the confines of a casino.

Amongst our friends we might guess what scores we will get on an exam or how a mini series may turn out. There is no end to the amount of things we are willing to bet on. Have a flutter for some fun. Sometimes we assess the risk and other times not.

When you cross a road at 05:00 and there isn’t a car in sight, you are still taking a risk. You could trip and whack your head on the pavement. However, your odds of safely and successfully crossing are close to 99.9%. Crossing a busy road during the middle of the day may carry a similar probability but there is a greater risk of an unsuccessful cross.

Forecast for fun but remember there is a level of risk for all activities.