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Start Fresh Daily

Leave the past in the past. It is history now. What’s done is done and can’t be undone. Understand what could be improved and work toward that. Focus on the ideal with good intent and good will come of it.

Start each new day with a clean slate. No score and no judgement. Begin again but with experience, knowledge, awareness and a desire to be better in all respects compared to the you of yesterday.

Leave your baggage behind. Write a letter or notes to get issues out of your head. Then file it away forever or destroy it. It need not come with you. Forgive others and yourself and forget that which makes you weak, sad, angry, frustrated or feel unloved.

Keep positive words, phrases and photos nearby all day and review them often. Keep your ideal in your mind’s eye.

Sure it’s a bit of work each day but it’s worth developing the habit. The activities will become a part of you and then you and those you greet will benefit from your joy and positive demeanour.

Think of things to make you smile and start fresh daily.