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What’s Fun For You?

Do you enjoy card games or roller skating? Some people prefer sports and others like reading. You can get a thrill from high octane adventures or lie listlessly near a river enjoying the heat and watching clouds drift by. What’s your favourite way to have fun?

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Lazy River Fun

Yesterday we took the opportunity to float down a lazy river with mild, intermittent rapids. It was calm, gorgeous, fun, cooling (in 36C heat) and hugely enjoyable.

Sometimes taking an hour or two to float through life is a wonderful thing.

We met a man standing waist deep in water just before a set of light rapids. He had a beverage in his hand and a friendly demeanour but tough looks.

As I was being pulled straight toward him by the flow of the river I said I didn’t know which side of him I’d end up on. He said not to worry and that the river would decide. Very zen.

Don’t fight the current. Go with the flow.

Lazy river fun and philosophy.


Travel Fun

Well at least we got here. Nine hours late and not quite to the finish line yet but hopefully we’ll be at our destination with no additional challenges or delays.

Everyone has kept their cool pretty well, and sense of humour, which has been great. And apart from a very hairy landing in 60km/h winds, it’s been rather uneventful.

Take it as it comes if that is all you can do. You’ll get there.

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School Sports Days

If your child is having a school sports day, do what you can do to go. And when you are there, cheer on your child. Only positive vibes, praise and encouragement though.

Cheer on their friends too, even if they are on other teams. This isn’t the Olympics and all kids should have some cheering. For most people, it’s not often in life when people openly cheer for you.

Remind your children to thank the teachers, helpers, organisers, refs, coaches, timers, medic, etc. These people all helped to make this great day happen. You could go say a few thank you’s too. Nothing like good role modelling and a display of gratitude to people who deserve it (and probably greatly appreciate the acknowledgment).

Remember good sportsmanship and respect. Have a lot of fun. Watch your children, especially in every event possible. Encourage them and praise them often.

Help any children that aren’t feeling well or seem a little down. Check in on them and help them find their smile. Especially children for whom their parents or carers were unable to attend. Learn their names and then shout their name, support and encourage them and make them feel special and a part of the day.

Despite the protesting from your child or others that they do not want you to cheer, be embarrassing or shout their name, there is a little piece in side of them that is delighted that someone has noticed them.



We all cheer a little differently. It’s quite a personal thing. It depends if you are watching a local match, your children play, your favourite sports team or even which sport it is. You may be a little more boisterous during a football match than during a Wimbledon final. Especially on the serve.

Some people like to clap. Others prefer watching quietly. Still others enjoying launching full steam into their cheer with plenty of passion.

I can get quite involved with lots of passionate vocals. Although I always aim to encourage or direct and am not interested in denouncing, denigrating or booing – I’d rather just stay quiet. Silence can be deafening.

With Ryker’s match, as I noted in yesterday’s post, I watched while verbally cheering and encouraging. Not just him but his whole team. It was very exciting and a lot of fun. I don’t know if it made any difference, but it felt great being a part of it.


Enjoy The Summer Fun

Take a trip, relax with friends or enjoy the evenings. People have different ideas of what they want to do for the holiday period. Enjoy the summer fun though, regardless of your chosen activity.

What does your ideal summer look like? Do you like the heat? Is there a place you usually go? Does your time involve more family or more friends.

Some people like to be around many others. Although others like to get away from it all and be a little isolated.

I do like consistent warmth. Although I am not a big fan of air conditioning. A light breeze can be nice. I also enjoy a pool or the sea to jump into to cool down too.

Reading a book under a tree and contemplating what you are reading is nice. As is looking up at the sky and watching the clouds roll by. If you can see shapes and animals in them it is all the better.

Oh, and ice cream. You cannot forget some nice ice cream. I’m partial to Haagen Dazs, especially their vanilla, pralines or salted caramel flavours.

Whatever you like to do, go full on now during August. You may have only four to six weeks left before the autumn air is with us.

Enjoy the summer fun while you can!

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Go Camping For Fun

There are lots of ways to spend your time. Camping is a great one for kids. Especially if they have a friend or two with them. Go camping for fun and you will find it.

Like everything, camping has its pros and cons. Though some of its pros are the open spaces, learning to build and maintain a fire, hanging out with friends and getting away.

Some of the challenges can be the weather, the food storage, finding things you think you packed and late nights.

Now these can also be pros depending on how they are viewed. However, you may need to see them in a different light than you are used to.

We were camping this weekend and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. There were no tv’s or PS4’s but there were walks, pizza’s, marshmallow roasting, chats and lots of great stories, smiles and laughter.

It can be tiring too. There is all the prep, the packing of the car, the unloading, the finding of things and trying new activities. There is also the drive there and back and also around the area for food or activities.

It’s great to be a part of it, even with its challenges. You may even find yourself booking your next outing!

Go camping for fun.
