CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Invest In Your Future

Spend money on self improvement, education, courses and coaches.

Listen carefully and follow instructions. People are there to help and have been there before.

Investing in your future will pay many dividends as the years roll on.

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Your Future Self

Live so your future self will thank you. Your future self in 10 minutes and 10 years should want to thank you for thinking of them.

Get your finances in great shape and your one-and-only body too. Keep your mind sharp and maintain great relationships.

Do things now for your future self’s pleasure and appreciation. Make the sacrifice and commitment now so the future you is delighted.

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Dream About Your Future

Create some exciting ideas about what you would enjoy in your future life. It could be ideas about next month or next year. You could consider it in terms of years, like 2023, 2032 or 2058. Figure out your age in those years and what you think you would like your life to look like then.

There is no need to spend any time worrying or being concerned about if you will get there or how you will do it. For the moment, just let your mind wander and enjoy the wonderful ideas of your future life. You might have a romantic relationship, spend six or 18 months travelling around the world, or perhaps you have a business that you will create that is doing very well.

Your life is a blank sheet of paper or a clear canvas. You get to decide what you would like to place on that sheet. LeavIng all of your past out of it is an option too. You can recreate yourself or decide that your future won’t simply be an extension of your past. Dream big! Make it exciting.

There are many famous or successful people who came from situations tougher than yours, easier than yours, or just like yours. You can find them and get confirmation that people like you can get to places like that.

If you can choose a great and exciting life, why would you choose anything else? It will not happen overnight but it will happen if you dream about your future, write it down, make a plan and work towards it for at least 5 minutes, every single day. In a few years, you’ll be nodding your head in agreement with me.

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It Is July 2025

What will you be doing? How will the world be coping? What will be happening? Imagine it is July 2025 right now. Are you happy with what you see?

Rather than wonder what you will be doing in 4 years from now, try something different. You can either research what some prognosticators are saying or make your own view. Of course when considering your own situation, it is likely you will have a better idea of the potential.

Who will be in power in the G7 countries? Who will be running your country? What will we know about COVID? What stats will we have? How will different countries be living with this?

Where will you be in your career? What about your close relationships? What will your finances look like? How old will your parents be?

If you have never written this down, you may find it quite an interesting exercise. Every time I do it, I think of other options I would like to have be true. In addition, when you look at things in the long run perspective, you tend to reduce emotional decision making. You also, get a greater sense of what could be possible for you. Also, you are more able to use facts and data rather than stories and unhelpful self-talk.

It is July 2025. Describe it.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Life Before Electricity

What was that like? Imagine how many things in your life would be quite different right now. It’s staggering. Imagine life before electricity.

So you would not be able to use your lights at your house. There would be no television, radio or mobile phones. Yes, it is starting to look a little bleak.

You wouldn’t have a battery in your car. And there would be no batteries in your game. Street lamps would not exist. Nor would integrated fire alarms. Driving on unfamiliar roads would require a physical paper map. No Tom Tom would be there to help you.

Electric cars would not be a thing. They wouldn’t run. Maybe a car made with a water based power source would exist. So many endless possibilities.

Could you live in a time without electricity? What would you miss the most? What would you miss the least?

Electricity is so fun to have around. It’s the life of a party. It would be shocking without it.

Spend one day without using electricity and see how you get on. You might realise how truly valuable this commodity is. Sometimes we only come to this conclusion after we’ve tried the hardship exercise.

It’s hard to imagine life before electricity.

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I Can See The Future

Predicting the future is a funny game. We do think we are pretty good at guessing what will happen next. I can see the future and it looks exciting!

The key to understanding predications is the following. The more control you have over the process, the more likely the outcome. So, for example, the lady running the roulette wheel in a casino has more control over the outcome than you. It depends on how she spins the wheel and throws the ball. You have no control.

You have more control with blackjack, though the deck is stacked against you. However, a diet and exercise regime is heavily in your control or sphere of influence. So you can see the pounds melt away through reduced calories, body toning and strengthening. All in your control.

So now do that with your life. Look deep into the future. Imagine the infinite possibilities. Where would you like to end up? If you could choose anywhere, and you can, where would it be?

So decide what you are looking for and then go after it. Be sensible, make a plan, take provisions and be hopeful. Then start. The road may be a little rocky at first. But stick with it. Slowly but surely you will get there.

I can see the future. And now I am going to make it happen.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About ItTime

So Now What?!

Once you reach your goal, and the celebrating is over, you may be feeling this way. I’ve finished that other thing, so now what?!

This feeling can come along very gently or can hit like a ton of bricks. Often the more significant the achievement, the more hollow the aftermath can be. Though his can be tempered by having additional goals and aspirations to pursue immediately after completing other goals.

Of course some of this comes down to how much you have hyped up the goal in the first place. If the goal was considered life changing, it could feel like a bit of a denouement when you realise that the basics of life remain the same.

Regardless, this is a good phrase to say to get your brain thinking of the next goal. Although it may be more helpful to say something like, “What will be next?” Then you can at least start the thinking process about after the event, before you get going. Make it all part of your plan.

For example, I’ve finished writing my book. It’s been edited. And now I am in production, marketing and distribution mode in March. “What will be next?”, is certainly on my mind.

So now what?!

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

My Amazing Future

Can you truly see, in detail, what your life will be like in 5 or 10 years? Does it frighten you to see it or because you can’t? My amazing future should be the theme of your ‘future you’ project.

If you could choose an amazing, exciting, wonderful and lovely future, why would you choose something else? Since you can choose any future you want, why wouldn’t you choose the absolute best future imagineable?

Maybe you have a carbon neutral private jet and an island in the pacific to escape away to. Perhaps you have a Michelin starred chef to cook all of your meals. Your relationship with your partner is astonishingly caring, warm and strong. In addition, you seem to enjoy your everyday to the max, regardless of whether you are at work or play.

You seem to attract great people and situations into your universe. Remarkably, you are wildly comfortable chatting to, and speaking in front of, large groups of diverse people.

You took the classes, read the books, watched the videos and practiced repeatedly over the years so that you could become the person you dreamed of with the life you thought was idyllic.

Remember that my amazing future is as attainable as any rubbish or boring future. So choose very wisely what you will spend your life’s time working towards.