
Ready To Go!

Hopeful but misplaced optimism. Sometimes this phrase is warranted and other times it is not. Sometimes people are actually ready to go!

It is a funny phrase at times, especially if preceded by, ”just one more thing and then we’re”… Lot’s of times people will say they are ready only to find out that they aren’t really. We do a little bit of that before we head off on a camping trip. There always seems to be a dozen last minute things that need checking or that we haven’t got in the car. A lot of running in and out of the house then ensues.

However, when used as it is intended, as a rallying cry, it can be brilliant. if it is true and said with enthusiasm, it is a great way to start an adventure. It is such a positive and robust sounding phrase. I love it!

A friend and I were laughing recently at how loosely this phrase was being used with respect to a property deal. It gave the illusion that everything was done and just signing was required. However, it still had a long way to go. Many twists and turns and additional requests, challenges and issues were to come.

Thankfully, these seem to have been juggled adeptly.

Now it does seem they are actually, ready to go!


Are You Ready To Go All In?

Have you been holding back recently? Or maybe even for a long time? I am sure there is something on your list. Are you ready to go all in?

There is often something we hold back on. We are getting ourselves ready. We may be preparing the plan or researching some key elements. However, at some point we know we need to get things moving forward with some massive action.

This might mean a late night or two to crack through something. Or maybe it involves doing something we are not as comfortable with. For some, this is marketing and phone calls. Other people may be hesitant to spend a certain level of money.

But today is the day to bite the bullet. It is the day to take massive action and put your plans into high gear. You need to get over that hurdle in front of you. You do not want to still be in this position in 2021. Since, you have the ability, make it happen!

You will never feel 100% ready. But if you are 70% ready, you should just get moving. You will make up more of the plan while you are moving forward. Take the step. Make the call. Feel the sense of accomplishment!
