CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Engage In Good Faith

When you engage in a discussion with someone, do so in good faith. Listen carefully. Don’t summarise what you want to believe they think, but rather, actually try asking for clarification.

“What is your position on x matter?”, is one way to do this. “Could you clarify what you mean by this?”, is another.

Too many people summarise someone’s position incorrectly and sometimes simply in bad faith. If you’re paying attention, and with reasonable cognitive ability, you understand what another person is saying.

Don’t be that person that takes everything out of context, pushes your own bias or makes sweeping generalisations.

The world would be a much lovelier place if people engaged with curiosity rather than animosity.

Many people are very sensible and are simply trying to find solutions that make sense to them. Allow that to breathe and investigate in good faith. The world needs more of this.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Praying For Good

Praying and hoping good things happen to or for someone are quite similar things. More religious-oriented people may say praying. For people who find that word more challenging, they may say hoping. Either way, you are giving your healing thought energy to someone.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Develop Good Habits

You may have to start with one. And get really good at it. Then move on to another and build that into your day. It can take some time. Stick with it. It will be worth it over the years.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

All In Good Time

Things don’t always go to plan. And some things take longer than you’d want them to. Things such as having a flat battery, traffic accidents on your route somewhere, or delays to aircraft or buses. Take it all in stride and find a positive reason for the delay. You might just find one: or two.


Good Movies

A good movie transports you, takes you along with it, entertains and distracts. Just watched the latest Guy Ritchie film. Very enjoyable.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Good News Should Be Savoured

Try to let the good news linger. Play around with it in your mind. Dance with it. Enjoy the crazy fun of it. Savour the flavour and how it makes you feel. Good news needs to be enjoyed and savoured for as long as humanly possible.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

In Pursuit Of Feeling Good

This can be a prescription for disaster in life. While feeling good is wonderful, the constant pursuit of that feeling can lead to poor choices, pain, misery and regret.

Often there is a choice between something that feels good and something less enjoyable. For example, watching your favourite tv show rather than doing an hour of homework. Or perhaps you’d rather pay for a holiday rather than research and invest your funds into a sensible venture.

Making the feel good choice once in a while will usually work out fine. However, developing a habit of avoiding harder work in pursuit of feeling good can leave your life in tatters after several years.

Your life can slide into a series of pointless undertakings, unfortunate failures and directionless drifting with no joy of accomplishment or giving. You may find you are lacking in life’s key elements such as health, relationships, finances and happiness.

You are in control of this. Pursue more than just feeling good and with a 20 year time horizon. Your future self will thank you.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Do Good Deeds

No one has to know. Or you can tell the world. The important bit is to do good deeds, regardless of who knows.

Life can be hard. In addition, you don’t know when it’s being extra hard on someone. So do good deeds frequently. Then hopefully these good deeds will make a difference in many peoples lives. It may even save some.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Sleep Is Good

Sometimes we don’t realise how much we could use an extra 3, 6 or 10 hours sleep. We stay on the treadmill of doing more even if some, or many, of those things are unimportant.

If you cut your sleep short most days, by going to bed late or getting up early, or both, then once in a while have a duvet day. You might just be surprised at how refreshed you feel.