CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Celebrate Good Times!

Come on! It’s time to celebrate.

Sometimes you just need good friends gathered to have a lovely time. Even in dark days, tough times or a lonesome road ahead, getting up and getting out to have a chat and a laugh can work wonders for your mindset and your health.

If you’re in it together and can appreciate how good your life is, even in difficult circumstances, you’ll at least enjoy the moment. And that’s all we have. Moments.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Good Sleep

Take an evening and go to bed by 9pm. Stop getting more things done. Turn off the entertainment (tv, phone, etc). Just go get yourself to bed and have a great nights sleep. You’ll feel great in the morning: Refreshed and pleased with your self discipline.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Only Good Thoughts #OGT

Train your brain, like you would a muscle. Teach it to focus on the good side of everything.

Don’t become delusional. Accept that there will be tough moments and bad things. And you can cry and scream and yell. But after a few minutes, pick yourself back up, regain your composure, focus on the good that will be coming, and carry on.

You don’t have to do this. You can wallow in self pity and proclaim that everything is rubbish. You can remain with a cloud over your head for hours, days, weeks or even years. If that is how you want to enjoy this one life we get to live, well that is your prerogative. But I’ll probably stay clear of you. I don’t need you raining on my parade.

It can be hard at first to keep only good thoughts. Sometimes you’re so deep in the dirt, you can’t find anything good. But like any other training, education, or developing skill set, it requires some work and effort.

Let the bad thoughts pass through your head. Thanks for stopping by. So long. Take care. Then, find things to feel good about. Start with simple things like, ’I woke up this morning!’ or ‘look, food in the house!’. Then be grateful for the client phone call you received. Or you can appreciate the money in your bank account. It may not be as much as you would love to have, but there is some there. Be grateful.

Really try to get to Only Good Thoughts. Of all the skills you could develop, doesn’t this one sound like a great one!?

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What Is Good Advice?

Usually you know what is right. You just don’t want it to be so.

Often we ask advice from whoever is around. But if you go to someone specifically, it is often because you know they’ll tell you what you want to hear; even if you know it’s what you need to hear.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About It

As Good As It Gets

Maybe it is. Perhaps this is it.

Not in the general but maybe in the specifics.

If a fabulous moment or memory is the top echelon, what else are we looking for? Perhaps we need to be more appreciative and grateful for these minutes and moments we get. Hold on to them fiercely and replay them often in your mind.

Savour every moment of joy. Each one is delicious.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Have Good Manners

Manners are free to exercise. They are simple to learn and understand. They are easy to practice. The cost of having them is small. The cost of not having them can be large.

Being well mannered is something in your control. Even if someone else has bad manners, you can still maintain your good ones.

Do the right thing. Have good manners.


Notice The Good In Everyone

People are born and then develop their personalities. Billions, or trillions, of stimulus then have an impact on you and help to shape who you become. We begin to march, dance or drift towards our destiny as the characteristics become more pronounced or ingrained.

The sooner we can bombard people with good feedback and environments, the greater the chances there will be a bias for good. So notice the good in everyone. Remark upon it. Be sure to communicate it with intent to the person and those around them.

Not only will the person benefit from hearing great comments about themself, but you will benefit by looking for the good in people. With your radar seeking good, you are bound to find more good than anything else in the world. Those have got to be very good things for all concerned.
