CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

What Are You Grateful For?

Can you write out a list of 20 things you are grateful for in under five minutes? Try it. Right now.

I am grateful for….

Here are a few ideas to get you started. I am grateful for my good health, all of my formal, school-curriculum education, my spouse and children, my warm house, our comfy furniture and the peaceful country I live in.

The more items you note on the list, the more calm and relaxed you are likely to be. You will realise how great your life is. This isn’t compared to the wealthiest 1% today but rather against the difficult circumstances of living in 621. A life back then was quite different.

So what are you grateful for?…..


Be Grateful For Your Abode

Spend a week in a tent. Especially if it is cold, wet or both. In no time at all, you’ll be grateful for your abode. You’ll be longing for home.

All the little things that niggle at you will seem superfluous. The loose door hinge, the sticky window, or that bit of painting that should be touched up. It will all seem ostentatious or unnecessary .

Maybe the first week in the tent will be untethered euphoria. Great!!! But give it two or three weeks and you’ll get that grateful feeling.

Be grateful for your abode.