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Being The Very Best Matters

Or does it? It seems to me that it’s mostly big names that are featured in mainstream media articles and interviews. Being the very best matters, or at least that is the signal we send to our kids and everyone else.

I love reading about successful people. It’s always been an interest of mine. Discovering how people got to where they are and what adversity they had to overcome make the stories interesting.

And it is great to see the top people in the world. These people can inspire us, teach us and be great role models. Their success can rouse each new generation to ever greater achievements.

Though at what cost? Being the best and better than others is a worthy target. Though winning by nefarious means such as illegal drugs or other cheating methods is not acceptable. And the pressure to excel at younger ages, for longer periods, with higher risk of mental or physical strain may not serve our youth in the best way.

Is winning the gold or being the wealthiest, youngest, smartest person the only admirable aspect of life? Perhaps we could put more focus on the grind, the grit, the process or journey along the way.

We can learn a lot from everyday people. Many put in the same grind and process, albeit their outcome may not be at the top.

Being the very best matters. Or does it?

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Keep The Faith

We will all find difficult moments in life. Sometimes the challenges seem too many and last too long. Keep the faith. Work towards a brighter future and as sure as winter turns to spring, things will improve.

Life can be tough. It sure can have its moments. Though sometimes these moments seem to drag on for a long while. On top of that, other elements combine to make it all seem even worse.

But when you are confident that better days are ahead, it fills you with the resilience you need to press on. Face the music and the brutal facts of reality and then imagine your way out and onto a better path.

You can lean on a family member or friend to help you through. And there are organisations out there that are set up for just this sort of thing. Make use of them. They were set up because the founder had probably been through life’s challenges too.

Focus on the positive. Reach out to family, friends or organisations. Know that time helps everything get better. Read books that are positive and useful. Set up your environment to win. Know that it will get better, especially if you work at improving your mind, body and soul.

Keep the faith. Sometimes it is all we have.