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People Love Their Associated Groups

Do you have a favourite coffee shop, book or tv show right now? Do you tell others about them? Have you even tried to get other people to go to your coffee shop, read that book or watch that tv show?

On one level, there is personal enjoyment of something special to you that you value highly. Expressing your enjoyment of it is another level. Trying to recruit people over to experience it too, while perhaps good intentioned, is a whole other level.

Now these three levels continually play out in society. There is a natural play between the levels by each person at different times. Sometimes, you’ll decide it isn’t worth thinking about any further. Other times you will try very hard to recruit people to your team, view, group or tribe.

An obvious one would be politics. Some people enjoy their preferred party or candidate. Others want to have a sign on their lawn or talk about their preference in the pub. Finally, some people, for some elections, will try to sway others to vote for their preferred party by going door to door, paying for commercials, or hosting events for them.

Consider all of your group associations. You have many. On every topic there is one to be found. Politics, race and gender seem to get emotions racing today. However, people group themselves by so many things like enjoyment of marmite, beer v wine drinkers, movies v books, etc. Oh, and sports teams!

Some people can get exceptionally animated about their group and dislike people in another group. Yet, when the topic changes and they find themselves in the same new group as their sworn enemy, they become friendly. It all depends on the value hierarchy of the group in question in that moment. Fascinating.

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Some Will And Some Won’t

People can be divided up into these two categories. Regardless of the situation or context, some will and some won’t. Get familiar with which people will end up in which group.

Perhaps you’ve invited people to a meeting. A group of the invitees will come to the meeting. Several people will not. Maybe you’ve transacted business with some people. Some will pay you and a few will not.

Having an opportunity fall into your lap is wonderful. There are those that will act on it straight away and use that opportunity to grow and succeed. Though there are always some people that will hide, shirk or otherwise ‘miss’ the opportunity.

The trick is to not get discouraged. Simply remember that some will and some won’t. Then focus on those that do. Help them. Work with those people. Forget about the people that won’t do their own push ups. Unable is one thing. However, choosing not to make the effort that will benefit them, that is another story.

I’m willing to help people that are willing to help themselves. Even better if they can take a little direction. Being able to see the reality they are in and confront the brutal facts of that reality is also beneficial.

So, in general, are you one that will or won’t?
