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Success Habits Are Hard

Being unsuccessful is relatively easy. At least it is at first. Laze around, do little to no work and spend money you don’t earn or have. the consequences mean it does get much harder as the months and years go by though.

Building up your success habits is another story though. Eating less and better food takes discipline. Exercising or going to the gym takes discipline and it can be hard. Studying is rarely easy. Same with doing your work, dishes, and laundry. Saving and investing is also quite difficult near the start.

There are a lot of things you need to do to be successful. The sooner you get each one under control, the better off you’ll be!

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Not Hard Nor Easy

Life is not as hard as some people think. And it certainly isn’t as easy as others think. These positions or viewpoints can change at any time though, depending on events.

CategoriesGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Hard Times

We rarely feel good going through them but we feel stronger after. That sense of reassurance, resilience and confidence to overcome tough obstacles feels great once you make it through. Focus on that light at the end of the tunnel. Faith and hope will get you through.


Press Hard When Required

Sometimes you have to press hard to get things done. That may mean days or weeks of 20 hour days. But there are times you have so much on and a short timeframe to deal with it all. You just have to press on and do it!

Keep hydrated, power nap if you can and stay positive. This too shall pass. Fun will come again. There is a time for all things.

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Heck Yes Or Hard No

This is a great way to decide whether you do things in life. If you are not delighted and shout out ’Heck yes’ at the mere mention of something, then it may not be worth your piece of life to do it.

In that case, make it a hard no.

Of course sometimes you’ll be required to do things that don’t excite you and bring joy. But when you have the choice and the decision is yours, live your life in the ‘Heck yes!’ zone.

Imagine that life! Heck Yes!!!

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

Easy To Do And Easy Not To

Which easy will you choose? With easy also comes hard. If you always take the easy route, things are likely to get hard later on in life. If you do some of those harder things now, you can have things a little easier later in life.

So if its easy enough to do now, do it. Put in a little extra work and time. It will pay off over time. And that future you will appreciate it.

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It’s Hard To Change

Habits and patterns of behaviour can be incredibly difficult to change. Our environment has adapted to make the habits easier. In addition, our desire for familiarity adds to the challenge of changing. Finally, our self-image will stop us if the new habit is not in aligment with how we see ourselves.

Three things to make it easier to change are as follows:

  1. Adjust your environment to make the new habit easier and the old habit harder. For example, have all your clothes ready by your bed to go exercise when you wake up. Also, put your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off (and therefore not hit snooze and roll over). Put the volume high too so you need to go shut it off or turn it down.
  2. Be patient and know that it will take days, weeks and months to get familiar and comfortable with this new routine. The greater familiarity and better environment will make it all seem easier.
  3. Remind yourself daily, 10 times per day or more, that you are this new type of person. You could say, ‘I am an early morning person.’ You could add, ‘I am a fit and healthy person.’ By saying the ‘I am’ statements many times per day, while also doing steps 1 & 2, you will reinforce this new personality you are becoming. This will improve the chances of your mind and body accepting this new way of being and thriving with it.

Yes, it’s hard to change, but you can make it easier on yourself and increase your probability of success. Start today!

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

It’s Hard To Fail

Choose your hard. It’s hard to start, continue, finish and fail. But if you don’t do the first three, you may have to settle for the last one.

Now we should get into the definition of fail, of course. It means different things to different people. Traditionally it means you did not succeed with your desired goal. Though it can be defined quite broadly. If you haven’t stopped trying then you may not have failed yet.

However, if there is a time limit, then if you’ve past the time allocated, you could say you failed. This is most accurate in a timed activity, project, match or game.

It’s not fun to think you failed at something. But you have only failed in the attempts up to now. Perhaps you will succeed on the next attempt!

Until then, it’s hard to fail. But it can be the only way to finally succeed.
