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Your Health

The most important asset you have is your health. Be mindful and take care of it. Properly! Avoid cutting corners.

Learn how to sleep like a bear. Be physically active. Develop your resilience skills. Be aware of what you eat and drink. This will have more impact on your quality of life than nearly anything else. It will impact your look, how you feel, your self esteem, a great deal of illnesses you could develop and other mental health issues.

Take it seriously. Get properly aware. Become a disciplined person. Then enjoy it all.

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Your Health Matters

Don’t leave it to chance. Don’t be lazy with it. Be in your best shape. Eat the best, nutritious, natural food that you can.

It’s your one body for life. Treat it that way.

Eat better. Eat less. Walk more. Lift some lite weights, or cans of soup, for just 5 minutes per day. Make your body glow.

You’ll miss what you had if you don’t spend 10 minutes per day on upkeep. So easy to make it a habit. So easy not to as well. What type of person are you? Maintainer of your amazing body? Or the, ‘Who cares’, type?

Notice how this philosophy permeates the rest of your life. Be brutally honest with yourself – is this what you actually, truly want and would wish for, if a genie granted you three wishes?

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Get Moving!

We all need to move in life. It is very good for our bodies and minds if we get the heart rate up. The blood in our bodies needs to circulate. Get moving!

I can sit on a comfy chair for hours. In addition, I find lying in a comfy bed very relaxing. And some mornings I can find it a little more difficult than others to get up and out of bed. This has almost nothing to do with my body and nearly everything to do with my mindset in that moment.

There are days that I slowly get my running clothes on, secretly hoping for a torrential storm to give me a reasonable reason not to go. However, I can’t recall a time that I wasn’t delighted with going, once I was seven minutes into the run.

The physical and mental health benefits of exercise are many. Going for a walk or run, or doing some press-ups, star jumps or squats all have beneficial qualities at zero cost to participate.

I know it’s easier to stay under a blanket and in a warm house. However, your mind and body don’t get the true benefits for doing that.

Start today. Do something for five minutes. And commit to doing that same thing for seven days straight.

Get moving!

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Sometimes You Just Need A Break

Life can have moments of relative calm. It can also have periods of full speed intensity. During the crazier moments, sometimes you just need a break.

There are quite a number of things that can fill your days. For example, you might help to maintain your household, have a busy job, look after kids, be studying, be a carer, be growing a business or volunteer. Many people are trying to manage everything while doing a combination of these.

Life’s challenge is that the ‘to do’ list is always longer than the time available. So you must be careful to set some boundaries and create priorities as well as follow some cut off times. If you go non-stop too many days or weeks in a row, you may find other challenges in your life. Normally this would be your physical health and mental fortitude.

It is easier to burn out than recover from it. Occasionally we get so caught up in the cycle of doing, we don’t even realise the mental and physical toll we are having on ourselves.

Remember to schedule down time, rest time or you time. It is important to recharge your batteries. Occasionally that will mean you will not get everything on your list completed. As long as none of it is life threatening, then we should not think twice about this.

Remember, you shouldn’t push excessively for too long. Sometimes you just need a break. Make sure you schedule one in and take it. Your soul will be grateful.

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Living To 100 And Beyond

The imaginative people on this planet continue to make progress on so many fronts, especially in the medical field. Living to 100 and beyond is becoming more of a frequent occurrence these days.

And with rumours that 100 is the new 80, it is all very exciting. The perception of ageing is also changing. Many people are still very active in their 70’s and 80’s. Some are surprisingly able through their 90’s and into their 100’s. With all the new replacement parts and better prevention and cures, the idea of ageing is changing.

How many centenarians are there in the UK? Globally? More than many people would expect. (Take a guess before checking the answer at the bottom).

Reaching 100, or beyond, may become less of an issue of physical limitations and more of a mental health and mindset challenge.

For this reason I am angling to reach 160. Aim high! So even if I come up a little short, it will still be quite an impressive run. With that in mind, I am building good habits for the long haul. Both physical and mental habits. I‘ll let you know if I make it. ?

Living to be 100 and beyond is quite an achievement. In 2018 there were 13,170 centenarians in the UK and 499,198 globally. They’re great numbers to build on.

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This Is A Great Time To Get Fit

With all that is happening, or not happening, in our lives, this is a great time to get fit. Get both mentally fit and physically fit. Strengthen both your mind and body.

We could be in this for the long haul. So we should all strengthen our systems to ensure we are at our best should we be involved in more challenging times.

There is no right or wrong to fitness. But there are some basic matters you’ll want to address.

Improving your lung strength and capacity comes to mind. Reducing unnecessary weight is another. Resolving any conditions that weaken your system could be given a little more attention at this time.

Practicing some amount of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), meditation or resilience methods would help strengthen the mind. As the days and weeks continue with uncertainty, we will all need ever greater mental strength.

The summer months could be fine but it may become more of a challenge as winter arrives. We all need to be ready and in good mental and physical health by then.

Finally, eating better is helpful. More berries, nuts and eggs and fewer crisps and cakes. Foods that strengthen your immune system and build your body will be useful in the months and years ahead.

Make those life altering changes now while you can. This is a great time to get fit. Good luck with your progress!

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Your Body Is A High Performance Machine

So treat it like one.

Make sure you eat well, and just enough. Not too little or too much.

Get enough good sleep, consistently. Seven to eight hours per day is ideal for most people.

Water it. Eight glasses per day (ish).

Exercise it. Get it to move around. Quickly. Slowly. Use all the different muscles, big and small. Use it or lose it.

Exercise your mind too. Stretch it with new ideas. Sit with thoughts that might be uncomfortable and understand why. Think good thoughts. Practice being grateful. For everything you have and are.

Your body is a high performance machine. Treat it like one.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTimeWeight loss

Weigh Less, With One Simple Step Repeated Each Day

Eat less.

Weight loss, through to better health and fitness, is a series of steps.

Step one is eat less. Once a person has been doing this successfully for a few weeks, they can look into several more advanced steps such as starting to exercise or doing more of it, tracking calories, buying healthier foods and preparing better meals with a better range of nutrients.

Too often people will try to change everything at once. Since these more advanced steps all take up time, require some level of learning and must be integrated into your current lifestyle, it is very difficult to start all of them at one time and do them all on a sustained basis. Usually people haven’t allowed for all the extra time it takes to add these into their life.

Save yourself all that time required to read labels and count calories, read diet, exercise and recipe books or magazines, join groups, get to the gym or exercise more, learn new recipes and shop for new ingredients and foods. Remember, eating less saves you time!

According to media reports, a lack of time is a leading cause of stress and stress eating. So try this simple step that requires no time investment and even saves you time. You even get the results you want – weight loss. You can get toned, improve health and nutrition later in subsequent steps. Remember c.90% of weight loss is reducing your current food intake.

Even if your current diet consisted of eating six chocolate bars and drinking four colas every day, you could lose weight by simply cutting your intake down to four bars and three colas. You would still drop about 1.5 pounds per week. The mathematics support this, as does the science, and eating less worked in my experience years ago when I dropped 20 pounds in 8 weeks, beginning with step one.

Just eat less.

Try it today. Eat one less helping at a meal, drink one less cola, eat half or two thirds of your regular portion at each meal. In a week you’ll be noticing, and enjoying, the difference,
