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Your Highest Desire

Your highest desire is changeable at any moment. Although it can go a long time being the same, it can change rapidly, and numerous times, depending on the situation.

It could be world peace usually. But it could quickly change to simply getting off of an amusement ride without being ill.

Sometimes it will change from wanting to learn or get along with others to wanting to win in a discussion. Be mindful of this often changing value. It guides you and acts as a filter to how you see the world and how you behave.

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Check Your Highest Thoughts

What filters do you use to see the world? Are you in favour of rose-tinted glasses? Or are you a hardened sceptic? Check your highest thoughts carefully as they are the ones you filter the world through. This in turn creates your reality.

Remember, it is not the reality. It is simply your interpretation of reality. If you think people are inherently good, you will see the positive in people’s actions. If you deem people to be evil, then that is how you will generally see people’s actions. And of course you can take sub-categories of people too.

For example, let’s say you think that wealthy people are evil, corrupt and morally bankrupt. Then, even when a multi-billionaire donates a billion dollars to a charity or hospital, you’ll find the negative. You might ask why they are so greedy and why didn’t they donate more? Or you could reference how they are just using it as a tax write-off and publicity stunt.

Your thoughts can betray you as you create stories in your head based on how you want to believe the world is. Though, often enough, the world is not as we create it in our heads with our preferred filter.

Check your highest thoughts. Enlightenment is closer than you think.