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Home Sweet Home

Being away can be helpful in recognising the people and things you appreciate. You don’t need to go away for this to happen though. You can make the effort to find things you appreciate everyday.



I love it. Coming home from a trip away is always full of anticipation. Finding all the familiar things is lovely. Familiar foods and local places are always appreciated.

Enjoy your time away. But treasure being home when you come back.

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The Home Stretch

Hopefully you’re feeling all sorted at this point. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, we are finishing this calendar year in the next 10 days. We are into the home stretch.

It’s getting too late to make significant changes. If you’ve put something off, it will be hard to catch up or jam it all in to the next week and a half.

But you can build good habits starting now. Prepare yourself for the weeks and months ahead. Get your house in order. Commit and be disciplined.

Make use of the home stretch. What is unfinished this year can be built on for next year. Start preparing today.


Live Where You Want

For most people, living close to their work has been essential. That started to shift in the 20th century. Now, live where you want, is becoming an ideal that is open to more people.

Many people still find a house based on the proximity to their workplace. And the work is required so you can pay for it. It is almost a catch 22.

Famously, one of the world’s greatest investors, Warren Buffett, chose Omaha, rather than Manhattan, to live and work. Then, people that could work from a computer, or laptop, began to drift away from expensive metropolitan centres.

More people could work from home a few days a week. People would call it, “working from home” with those finger air quotes and that tilted head expression. Those that could do it, loved it. But it wasn’t widespread.

Now, however, wfh has become a bit of a phenomenon. No more air quotes. It’s a serious shift. Some people are even moving and changing their lifestyle to make it easier. A little more space and privacy is important if you have frequent video calls and children schooling from home or even coming home after school.

People are even leaving historically attractive locations like New York and California for open spaces, sunshine, lower taxes and a better quality of life. For those who can, it can make a lot of sense.

Now is the time to live where you want.
