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How Do I Do That?

You probably don’t know this, but this is the most important question in your life. For everything that interests you, ask “How do I do that?”

Ask yourself or Google or anyone, to start. Then upgrade to people who have some experience in that space or activity. Then start asking people with greater success than them. Read books on it. Search it up on the internet. Speak to practitioners, professors, experts, gurus, journalists, commentators and avid fans of the activity.

Too often we start off on the wrong foot for these things we want. Sometimes we just sit there amazed it is being done. We don’t even consider it as something we could do. Even if we do think we would fancy a go at it, we too often think, “No chance, not me. I couldn’t do that.” Well neither could the person doing it now, when they first started.

Sure it looks difficult or even ‘scary’. But so did most of the great things you’ve done in your life. Like learning to walk, asking someone out, skateboarding, or living on your own.

If you want to super charge your life for fun, excitement, thrills and happiness, start asking this question and follow the process.

How do I do that?

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How To Achieve Your Dream

Achieving a goal starts with the idea. But where do you go from there? How to achieve your dream, or anything you want, comes down to a simple process.

That process is like the one for anything else in life. What are the steps to getting dressed in the morning? How does a person book a meeting with three others or a holiday for the family? When you think about it, you will notice the same steps repeating over and over again.

I have distilled this specific process down to seven steps. I have outlined and further highlighted these steps in my forthcoming book, Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. You can sign up for launch updates at

The seven steps are Think, Overcome, Write, Plan, Act, Review and Celebrate. TOWPARC may not be the sexiest acronym but that’s what it is.

For any achievement you plan to undertake, you will need to think about it and develop a good mindset. You will need to overcome the obstacles in your path, both physical and those in your mind. Like an architect or travel agent, you will need to write out the plan so it is clear to you.

Then you make a plan to work to. This plan could involve hiring tradesmen, buying materials or getting the permit timings just right. For travel, it might involve which clothes and equipment to pack, which airport to use, transfers, hotels and even which local activities to book in advance.

Then you must act and make this plan come to life. As you progress you can review on each step you have made and make any adjustments. Few things go according to plan, so you will need to continually review it and make corrections or improvements. Finally, When you are sitting in your newly built home or enjoying your amazing holiday, remember to celebrate. Celebrate the wins that got you there and the overall win as well.

This is how to achieve your dream.