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Use Your Imagination

When was the last time you used your imagination? Was it for a creative writing exercise? Or perhaps you were finding shapes in the clouds? Have you used it to imagine your life being different or better in some way?

Using your imagination can unleash powerful forces. It may be easiest to demonstrate its power if you think of monsters under your bed or terrible things that could happen with your finances or relationships. Sometimes your imagination can go into overdrive and paralyse you with fear.

Yet it can work for you going the other way too, in a positive direction. You can imagine passing an exam, creating a career you might love, excelling at a sport or decorating your dream home.

Use this super power for good and positive things and you’ll begin to see exciting changes in your life.

To find out more about using your imagination to achieve anything, pick up a copy of my book Achieve Anything. We explore it further in Step 1: Think, and give you some exercises to help you power up. Available on Amazon and other online stores. Head to for more details.