CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Small Upgrades Can Have A Huge Impact

Something as simple as buying a new, somewhat fancy pen, can put a little spring in your step and bring your shoulders back so you walk with a little more confidence.

Buying a new item of clothing or a tool for your job can give you a similar feeling. You don’t need massive expenditure to get these great little jumps in life appreciation. If you make a few small but strategic purchases on high impact items or services, you can feel your life get exponentially better rather quickly.

Just don’t buy loads of things that don’t give a lasting impact. Keep the upgrades small, simple and high impact, otherwise you’re just wasting money.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Why Versus Impact

Have you ever done something for one reason and then found that the impact was not what you wanted?

An example could be telling someone that you aren’t fond of their outfit, and they should change it, and they get angry at you.

You may have said that to protect them from going out in what you thought wasn’t very flattering for them. However, they may not have appreciated it because it’s their favourite, they like the style, it was a gift or some other reason.

Another example is if you drive a little faster in your car and then get flagged for speeding. You may have a good reason why you were speeding, but it rarely warrants being stopped to be ticketed or the cost of the ticket.

When taking action, having a good why is a great start. However, become aware of the intended and the unintended consequences before you go ahead.

Often the idea of the unintended consequences will shift your thinking. That may be better for everyone.


Impact On Others

You may not ever know how much you have impacted other people’s lives. But if you ever find out, it can be an incredibly overpowering feeling.

Imagine that your comment inspired a child to study medicine and find a treatment for a disease. Or perhaps, given your confidence during a fire drill, a teenager decided to dedicate their life to firefighting and saving lives.

Or your kindness in a tense situation made other people aware it was possible and they multiplied this treatment of others, forward, for decades.

Usually we don’t get to see the depth of our wake. But in those rare moments when we are shown, or we have the good fortune to catch a glimpse, it can make the world seem so valuable and our lives worthwhile.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Why Choose Anger?

You can choose your focus. Sure, different thoughts, good, bad and odd, come into your mind. However, you get to choose which ones you will focus on or hold onto.

You don’t have to swing at every pitch. You can let a few thoughts go by. Generate good thoughts. Let poor thoughts pass on by.

If you’re not doing this, ask yourself why. Do you enjoy the intensity of feeling? Are you keen to solve everyone else’s problems? All 8 billion people need you to help them?

There might be injustices in the world but your anger won’t reverse them. If you want to calmly write letters, lobby people with power to change things or put forward sensible arguments, then do it.

Try to stay away from the outrage, the anger, the poor thinking and the cherry-picked opinions and facts that keep you as a prisoner in that state of mind.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of issues come from a few people who have made poor decisions in life or else from misunderstandings or accidents. We would do better to reduce our involvement where accidents are more likely to occur. Also, take the time to understand a situation very well, from all sides, before being an outraged judge of it. Finally, volunteer to help kids and youth to improve their thinking and their decision making so they grow up to be good and useful members of society rather then destructive ones.

Redirect that powerful energy. Why choose anger? Especially when you can choose positive impact!


10 Minutes Of Impact

I continue to see how your life path can change in a moment. It doesn’t require much time. With just 10 minutes of impact, your life can shift to a different course.

One impulsive decision could have you bumping into your dream partner on a Saturday evening cooking course. Alternatively, allowing things to heat up a little too much could have you looking for a new kitchen.

This idea is often on display as we see the results of people’s decisions unfold. We often have empathy though sometimes we don’t. You weigh up a lot of data points and considerations.

The Euro 2020 football tournament had some examples on Monday. (Spoiler alert). Spain was ahead 3-1 with only 5 minutes to go in regular time. With that lead, one could easily assume the strong odds were for Spain to win. However, in the 85th minute of the 90 minute game, Croatia scored. Then, two minutes into added time, Croatia scored again to bring the match level at 3-3. In the 30 minutes of extra time, Spain scored twice to clinch the win.

In the France v Switzerland match we saw something similar. Down 3-1 to the French, the Swiss team scored twice in the final 9 minutes. The first was in the 81st minute and the second in the final minute. It continued to be a very exciting and riveting match from there.

Remember, it isn’t over till it’s over. Momentum can shift suddenly and powerfully. And, 10 minutes of impact can change your life. Go make it happen.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

The Weather Affects You

Everyone is impacted differently by the weather. Circumstances can also play a part in how you feel about it. The weather affects you in different ways at different times.

I am not a fan of being caught out in the rain. Though sometimes it can be fun if you have the right clothes or equipment for it. It’s also a little different if you are out for 30 minutes near your home. At least then you can pop in and dry off, warm up or change clothes. If you are on a three day camping trip, rain is rarely fun. Perhaps a short shower would be fine but continual wet is a bit of a challenge.

Now, if it is hot and wet, that can be a completely different story. An hour of rain, during summer in Mexico, when it is 38 degrees might take the edge off the humidity. That can be quite refreshing. But when it is close to freezing, say 2 degrees, then rain is not a lot of fun.

Some people love snow, or sunshine. Spring skiing with both is brilliant. Darkness for months, during winter can also affect people a great deal. As with most things in life, it depends. It depends on you and your circumstances.

It’s good to be aware how the weather affects you.


We Need More Jaime Escalantes

Ordinary people committed to extraordinary results. Passionate, committed change makers with a drive and purpose. We need more Jaime Escalantes.

We need more people willing to work harder to drive monumental change. In addition, everyone should be taught to expect more of those that are capable. That is to say, expect more from those that the change makers could impact.

For those that don’t know Jaime Escalante, he was a Bolivian who taught calculus in East LA from 1974-91. In his first calculus class in 1978, he taught five students. Of those five, two students passed the AP calculus exam. By 1990, his mathematics enrichment programme had more than 400 students in it.

I find this fascinating. The movie, Stand and Deliver, is a tough but uplifting account of his troubles and triumphs. I first saw it in the late 1980’s and thought it was brilliant. Since then, I have thought about it often and it still gives me chills. Discovering that he retired to Cochabamba, where I lived for a spell in the 90’s, makes me feel even closer to his story.

Jaime gave his students a vision, a goal and a plan. He then pushed them along a new trajectory for their lives. It was hard work for everyone but it would give the students an opportunity to dramatically change their lives.

We need more people, teachers and other passionate advocates of change and excellence, to help people stand and deliver.

We need more Jaime Escalantes

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

If You Could Save Someone’s Life Right Now, Would You?

Would you really? What if it took five minutes out of your busy day? Would you still make the effort? If you could save the life of someone’s daughter, brother or Nan, but to save their life would require you to redirect 60 minutes of your precious time on earth, would you do it?

If you’re still convinced you would do it, that you would step up and sacrifice 60 minutes of your life to help someone else keep their life, that’s pretty wonderful intent.

If so, then sometime today, google and call your local blood donor clinic and book yourself an appointment to give blood. Most people can do the whole process in less than an hour. It is free. You lay down for 20 minutes and then they usually give you cookies and drink afterward ???. Simple.

You don’t need to be a trained medical professional, like a doctor, nurse or paramedic, to help save someone’s life. But you do need to be able to execute on your amazing intent.

I’ve been donating since my early 20’s, despite not being a fan of needles at all. I figure, if someone else is in a life or death situation, possibly in pain I can’t imagine, then I can handle a tiny, little, needle wince for a second. I don’t know anyone who has received my blood, but it is pretty amazing to think that there are people who are alive today, because I keep showing up.

My next appointment is on the 12th of March. When is yours?

To book an appointment, and see other information, click Blood UK, Canadian Blood Services, American Red Cross, or google ‘blood donations’ for your area.

(I was inspired to write my thoughts on blood donation by a really interesting piece a friend of mine from secondary school did on, “What happens to blood after you donate it?”. You can see the work Neil and his team did here.)
