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Is Your Life Story Becoming A Warning Or An Inspiration?

If someone wrote your biography and turned it into a movie, would people watch with interest? Would it lift people up and inspire them to greatness? Or would it be a warning to others to avoid this route at all costs?

Now that you’re thinking about it, you could actually do something about it. If it looks like a positive role model story, well done, keep going! However, if it has flashing red lights and warning labels all over it, perhaps rethink the plan for the next five years and start turning things around.


Look Up For Inspiration

There is something physical about looking up. It feels natural and gives hope.
Look up for inspiration.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Getting Stuck

Sometimes I can’t think of anything to write. Other times, I write 15 topics down in two minutes. I prefer the flow rather than getting stuck.

Flow is great. It feels energetic and exciting. So many possibilities and so much promise. Having your mind go blank or trying to force a topic is a lot less fun. It just feels wrong, uncomfortable and even frustrating. When that happens, I do a few different things to shake it up.

One easy tip is to simply move. Get up and walk into another room. I will wave my arms around, run on the spot or do some press ups. This gets the blood flowing and may spark some inspiration. Secondly, I will flip through a magazine or favourite book. If this doesn’t do it, I may also head to Instagram or YouTube and see what headlines are showing up there. Looking through different media often sparks some ideas.

If I am still getting challenged and nothing is coming through I do some other task for a set period. It may be something to do in the house or some admin, but usually away from screens. Sometimes you just need a break from working completely.

Getting stuck is temporary. And you can influence the outcome.

CategoriesReframe your thoughts

What Does Awesome Look Like?

Have you been drifting along without inspiration? Ever feel like you want to move forward but can’t? Ask yourself, “What does awesome look like?”. Whether you think it is attainable or not, is not the issue. Just start musing and mulling over the question.

One reason people drift along directionless for a short, or a long time, is lack of an inspiring vision. Let yourself dream. Open up your mind to amazing possibilities. Brainstorm. Let all thoughts be allowed.

Sometimes we shut out our real dreams and transforming visions because we don’t think we can get there. Or we don’t deserve it. Sometimes we will think it is silly to consider it, want it or believe we could make it happen.

Put all of that to the side for the moment. It is not about you and what you can have or do. It is about this one simple question. What does awesome look like?

Let your mind consider the exciting possibilities. A bit like watching a fantastic movie. Or maybe flipping through a favourite magazine or your Instagram feed.

Whatever inspires you with excitement and wonderful possibilities is what you need to allow in.

Once you find out what awesome looks like for you, and you’ve settled on it, make it yours. Start taking some steps toward making this exciting vision become your reality. You will drift along directionless no more!

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Get Inspiration But Don’t Compare

Why is it that many people tend to use only the ultimate success stories to emulate? You can get inspiration from them, but don’t compare yourself.

If you use only the highest achievers like Beckham, Beyoncé, Dwayne Johnson or J.K. Rowling, you may get disappointed quickly. The bar is so high. They’ve already made it. They are one of the hundreds or possibly thousands in this world of billions.

Focus on being better than you were yesterday. Only focus on you and your progress. Remember, everyone starts out similar in life as a baby. From that point, everyone will progress differently. It is progress, a little bit at a time, not instant success, that you should focus on.

You can get inspiration but don’t compare yourself to superstars – certainly not in the beginning. Perhaps learn about their start or the experience of others that are closer to where you are now.

Being inspired will help you push through in tough times. But comparing yourself with anyone else at any time is a quick way to get disenfranchised, disheartened or disappointed. Few people want to feel like that, so make it a rule that you follow from now on.

Learning about the path others have taken is useful. You can then pursue a similar, or the same, path and you should find similar success. Keep refining the path you are on as you go. You may even want to adjust who inspires you.
