CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

You’ve Been Labelled

Yup! Some crazy person has labelled you. And that person is you!

You have labelled yourself as a lawyer, sharp dresser, gym goer, triathlete, student debt payer, bad with money, good on dates, wine drinker and card shark.

What other people say will influence these labels but the real arbiter is you. If you see yourself as one type of person, it can be hard to shift to being another. This is something you need to overcome early in the shifting process or you will self-sabotage and never reach your goal.

Your values need to align and you need to eventually feel comfortable in this new label. But making the shift across can be a harrowing experience. You will be uncomfortable at first as you consider yourself in this new label. But as you get exposed to the idea and shift your mindset on it, it will start to feel right.

Check out the labels you have given yourself, those you would rather have and the anxious feeling you get as you explore those thoughts. Understand this anxiousness and you’ll get there!