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Lazy River Fun

Yesterday we took the opportunity to float down a lazy river with mild, intermittent rapids. It was calm, gorgeous, fun, cooling (in 36C heat) and hugely enjoyable.

Sometimes taking an hour or two to float through life is a wonderful thing.

We met a man standing waist deep in water just before a set of light rapids. He had a beverage in his hand and a friendly demeanour but tough looks.

As I was being pulled straight toward him by the flow of the river I said I didn’t know which side of him I’d end up on. He said not to worry and that the river would decide. Very zen.

Don’t fight the current. Go with the flow.

Lazy river fun and philosophy.

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Lazy Or Lacking Purpose?

It can be easy to say we are lazy or observe others and come to that conclusion. We become unwilling to work or use our energy when we don’t have a clear goal or outcome in mind.

You might feel lazy when you have competing deadlines. It can be easier to curl up on the sofa and hope they disappear. Or go for walks, lunch with friends or to the pub – whatever distraction we prefer. It can feel all too hard. So, we just avoid the whole thing.

Although this can be one way to deal with things, we should edge toward greater discipline. Do one thing to move the situation forward. Make that phone call, write a few lines or add some context for someone. Just the idea of getting started can propel you to keep going. Then, once you are 10 minutes in, it can be hard to stop because you are so engaged in the process and can see the outcome.

Are you lazy or lacking purpose? I would suggest we all have a lazy tendency if we allow it. However, if we set an exciting goal to pursue, we will find that purpose propelling us to greater heights. When you are driven by enthusiasm for you objective, you need less discipline. You can simply be obsessed.