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Learn Something Today

Learn something you didn’t know or that you thought was the opposite. Improve your understanding of money, relationships, friends, fitness, health or philosophy.

Have a deep think about something. Reflect on things you’ve said or done. Note what you believe went well and those things that didn’t. Prepare how you might improve on both the next time.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Learn By Writing

Writing helps you become more precise. Word selection is important. You can really develop a concept through writing notes about it. You can reflect back on those notes too.

You may want to adjust, amend or add to those notes. By dating the notes you can see what you thought at a given point in time.

Writing also requires thought so you are more likely to remember the key points when you write them down. Then when you review those written points they will enter your mind once again, helping to cement their place in your memory.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Where Did You Learn Your Thoughts?

You have thoughts about right and wrong, philosophy, religion and politics. Where did you learn those from? Did you ever consider different or opposing views? Did you ever challenge your thoughts robustly or have you simply accepted the first ideas that got into your mind?

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Learn To Use Your Phone Better

Your phone is an incredible piece of technology. Wow! Yet, I would guess that most of us haven’t learned as much as we could, or should, about all the amazing things it can do.

Take 3 minutes today and read through the tech specs of your phone. Next week (or tomorrow if you’re keen), set up, or use, a function you thought was interesting. Do this every day or once a week.

By the end of 2023, you will be more productive and amazed at all the things these little devices can truly do.

For example, how much do you use your assistant, like Siri, on the iPhone? Get Siri to call people, look up stuff – without having to type it out, or dictate a note, message or email as you walk or drive. Fabulous!

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The Lesson Will Repeat Itself Until You Learn It. @steven

Loving this!! Thank you Steven Bartlett for the title. (The Diary Of A CEO)

We all have lessons that keep repeating and we get outcomes we don’t necessarily want.

We can change this. We can learn the lessons. We can make the changes and say No More!

We haven’t learned the lessons because it’s not convenient, easy, or comfortable. They are habits we created. But we can create other ones. It takes work to adjust these habits. We need Discipline, Effort, and Desire to have better outcomes.

No longer do we have to say “Why does this always happen to me?” Or “Isn’t that typical” or even “I knew that would happen”.

Change our ways today and get better results tomorrow. Live a better life with just some simple changes in how we think and do.

We can set up our environment to win. We can set up our schedule to win. We can start today.

Learn the lessons the feedback is giving you. And then make the adjustments. Yes, it will feel odd at first, but it will get easier and your results will be much better.

Start now!

(If you subscribe to the email, keep reading below!! Yesterdays blog is a cracker further down below)

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Learning From Anyone

If you value learning, do you appreciate learning from anyone? Or must they have certain qualifications or thoughts before you rate them as acceptable to learn from?

I believe people can learn from all types of other people, including those that are older, younger, well schooled, dropouts, mothers, doctors, plumbers and politicians.

Every experience can be an opportunity to reflect and reconsider your thoughts. If you want it to be. If you prefer to stick with your people and their thoughts, you’re likely to have a very narrow life.

Whether you learned from Yoda or Jung, “do or do not, there is no try” is a very powerful statement – if you understand it and and embrace it.

Learn from others, whoever they are. Listen and reflect and it will add to your store of knowledge.

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Learn To Swim

It’s a great activity. It’s fun and competitive. You can be very refreshed by jumping in cool water on a hot day.

Swimming can be social or solitary. If you are a parent, make sure your child or children know how to swim well. Make them take lessons and do some endurance training as well as swimming fully clothed.

This one skill might save them one day. Perhaps several times. It could also help save others. And it will bring them great enjoyment throughout their life.

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Relax – You Can’t Do It All

This is an important observation.

There is a lot to do in launching my new book. There are best practices and pre-order marketing along with preparation for post launch and how to price during the first week or two and beyond.

Like preparing to go on holiday and leaving the office for two weeks, you can’t sort everything. You can delegate and dismiss items but you can’t do them all yourself.

So just relax. And so will I. I’ve made huge progress in learning and doing. I will continue to make more progress until the launch and well beyond it.

There will be many tomorrow’s after the 23rd January launch. So be sure to enjoy the process and the success that has been happening.