CategoriesFinancialThink About ItTime

Think Longer Term

It would be great to have everything right now. No waiting or requirement for patience. However, if you think long term, you can get a lot of what you want now and have a good long term too.

It is so easy to spend money and time. It is more difficult to keep an eye on them and guard them. But it makes sense to do so. Living for today is a great and exciting way to live life. However, if you sacrifice 100% of your future to maximise today, things could get challenging later.

Although, consider the future you and how much they will thank you for being a little patient. If you do, you might do things differently. If you eat well and exercise in the present, your 40, 60 and 80 year old self will greatly appreciate it. Saving and investing 1%, 10% or 20% of your monthly income could make the retirement era you very happy indeed.

I know it takes time to set these plans in place. But, if you can do it, you’ll be better off. Both the time you have in your later years and the money comforts will be greatly appreciated by the older you.

Think longer term. Future you will be glad you did.

CategoriesThink About It

Where In the World Would You Live?

People have been going online more and getting more comfortable with technology like videoconferencing and mobile payments. Where in the world would you live if our increasingly online world made it easy to live anywhere?

It seems like an easy decision. However, it may not be as easy as you think. It really depends on many factors. These factors could include your work, lifestyle desires, partner, children, broader family and friends.

I often go through this mental exercise. Where is the ideal place, I muse. Many places come up on my list. Considerations like nice weather year round, creature comforts and now schooling for children all come into play.

In late 2004, my wife and I bought ‘round the world‘ tickets and travelled for 15 months. We visited some fabulous places including memorable stops in Europe, Mexico, Australia and Africa.

In the end, we returned to London. We thought we would return to Canada at that time. Despite selling our property in London when we left and buying one in Mexico on our tour, we continued our life in London.

There were many places that were lovely, exciting or enchanting to visit. But there wasn’t anywhere that struck us as worth uprooting for and moving to.

It seems like an easy question to answer. But when you start getting into the detail, it is not so obvious. If you could live anywhere, where in the world would you live?

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Happy Mother’s Day! ?

Please do not go and see your mother today. It is the greatest gift you can give her. Yes, it is Mother’s Day in the UK on Sunday 22nd of March 2020, but please do not go to visit.

Your Mother gave you life and the most important thing you can do at this time is help protect hers.

My marvellous Mom lives 3,300 miles away, across an ocean, so there is little chance, in this no-fly era, that I would go and see her today anyway. But for those of you that live close enough to drive, or even walk, I strongly urge you to use Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc. or you can simplify and just call her on the phone.

The very last thing you want on your conscience, for the rest of your life, is to think that you may have caused your Mother’s early passing. If she were to come down with the symptoms of this virus within 14 days of your visit, you would probably never forgive yourself. Don’t take that chance this year.

And don’t use the justification that she is getting on and may not have many more, so we want to make this one special. Don’t turn many more into no more.

Have a lovely video chat or a phone call. Remember, she probably grew up in an era where people used the telephone anyway. It will remind her of the days of her youth.

If you really want to make an impact, by reminding her how wonderful she is and how much she means to you, spend the rest of your day crafting a lovely letter to her detailing why. You could even get it done in the morning.

Thank you and best wishes to all of the lovely Mother’s out there.
