CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Behind The Stories

Who is telling the story? What is your bias towards them? If you like them, trust them, or are comfortable with them, you are very likely to agree with whatever they say. You will not look deeper, and simply assume they are telling you the truth.

You really need to

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Take Time To Look Around

Look around your home, office, local area and even new places too. Be curious. See everything with new eyes and possibilities.

You may have kept things a certain way for years but your tastes may have changed or your interests are different. Look around and see every single item and decide if it still brings you pure joy or if it is practical in a required way.

If not, it is time to remove that item and give it to charity, sell it or bin it.

Spring cleaning is what some people call it at this time of year. Regardless of the name, take action!


Look Carefully

Look into the details. Learn all you can. Ask clear questions. Require specific details in the answers. Make informed decisions. Don’t get caught out. Trust but verify. Look before you leap. Don’t just assume all will be fine. Get into the weeds on it.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Look For Light Everyday

Try this. Every day for the next 7 days find the good in everything you can. Look for the light everyday. Sometimes it can be hard to see. This is especially true if you tend to find something wrong or things that could or should be better.

Appreciate whatever it is for just being there. Remember that the world is just people trying to do their thing as best they can in their moment. Sure everything could be perfect. We should all think perfectly and speak perfectly and have perfect manners. Of course though, perfect in just the vision you have in your mind.

Your idea of perfect might be the opposite to my idea of it. You might think people should get free strawberry ice cream every day. I might think perfect is free vanilla ice cream.

But if you can look for the good in people, places and events, you will train your mind to be happier or at least more appreciative. If we train our mind one way, it can be hard to train it another way. So it is better if you can train it just once. Try to have positive thoughts.

Look for light everyday. Let it become easier with practice.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Where You Are

Hey! Look at you! I am sure that you have had to do quite a bit to get yourself here. Look where you are! If you really look carefully, you may find plenty of opportunities just waiting on your doorstep.

They may not look like opportunities but they could be. Sometimes we see work or struggle or challenge rather than opportunity. However, they can often be the same thing if you are willing to look at it slightly differently.

Going to university may seem like work to some but if you put in the work, great opportunities may arise. Getting an apprentice job may seem less exciting if you see it as taking your time for a wage. However, if you see it as learning a skill that could later be traded for a higher income, you might be more enthusiastic about it.

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

Napoleon Hill

You must be curious and observant as opportunities abound if you are open to different types. If you are good at sports, you may be paid to play. But you also may get a sponsorship, branding deal, or licensing agreement. Although if you are not looking for these alternative ideas, you may only have one stream of income from playing.

Look where you are! There’s gold on the floor.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Look Where It Should Be First

When looking for files, phone numbers, keys, glasses or information, look where it should be first. It might be there. If it isn’t, make a note of where you thought it should be. Then, when you find it, put it where it should be. Then you’ll find it easier next time.

Sometimes I’ll start looking where I think I saw the item last. Other times I head for where somebody says they saw it (or they think they did). Boy do we laugh when I find the item in the eighth place I look. This would have been the first place if I had simply ignored all other impulses and input.

Do you ever do that with general information? Ever casually wish you knew the answer to a question or had more information about a subject? Despite some of the most used phrases being, ‘Google it’ and, ‘Check the net’, sometimes I just don’t.

Occasionally I assume the topic is too difficult to search. Or even that no one would have searched this before. And I might even wonder if maybe there just won’t be any information on the topic.

However, I‘ve always been pleasantly surprised at how easy, predictive and plentiful the searches and results have been. So I search everything now.

So whether it is physical or theoretical, look where it should be first.
