CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts


Love what you do. Love the important people in your life. Make a point of making them feel like an important part of your life. Say good morning. Say goodnight upon retiring. Place your hand on their shoulder. Hug them.

Leave them notes. Praise them. Lavish compliments on them. Laugh with them. Enjoy your time together.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

There Are People Who Love That

Thankfully you don’t have to do everything.

Whatever you don’t enjoy doing, you can find someone who really enjoys it. That’s a wonderful thing. Our accountant makes taxes fun, which is great. Some care workers are definitely in their best career. There are doctors who love doctoring and engineers who love engineering. That is the same for many electricians, farmers and plumbers too.

Thankfully, we all have our skills and passions to make the world go round.

CategoriesThink About It


Don’t let it drift away. Work at it, for better results. The effort you put in will be returned in spades (compounded many times).

CategoriesHealth & FitnessThink About It

Is This Love?

What is it to you? How does it make you feel? Have you lost that loving feeling? Is it amazing?

Are you giving or receiving? Waiting or providing? Could you get hurt? Are you exposed? Is your communication like beautiful prose?

Define love in your terms. Then see where you can find it. Or maybe you provide it.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

I Love Summer Days

Those days you can wear shorts and a T-shirt and feel warm all day and never chilly. The ideal recipe begins from 21C, mostly sunny, 43% humidity and only a 3-6 mph breeze.

This is fabulous weather for me. It can still go warmer. It can go all the way up to the early 30s; especially if there is a lovely swimming option nearby.

Enjoy it every day it’s here!

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

What Do You Love About Life?

Serious question. Have you ever even thought about it? What is it that makes you crazy delighted about being alive?

Spend 10 minutes now writing some ideas down.

These are the things you’ll really miss when you’re gone, or they are. Start giving these the daily appreciation they deserve.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Who Doesn’t Love Fun!?

Well, I suppose there may be some people. Maybe the glass is half empty people. Misery loves company. But really, who doesn’t love fun!?

It can be really hard to imagine people that don’t love fun. However, sometimes you hear people speak or watch their body language and think they are not having fun.

It’s not just in that moment, either. They seem to have this swirling anti-fun vibe following them around. A bit like Charlie Brown’s friend Pig-Pen. Unless you are helping them through that, best to stay clear.

Having fun is one of the wonderful things about life. While we can debate whether the best things in life are free, free fun could possibly be the best kind possible. Fun could be playing ‘It’ in the park or climbing a tree with your best mate.

Fun could be reminiscing with a dear friend or having a great conversation. I’m quite partial to celestial matters such as watching clouds move and spotting formations. Or looking for shooting stars in the dark night sky.

Watching a great movie with my wife and kids is another wonderful fun thing to do.

Is there enough fun in your life at the moment? What do you like to do for fun?

Who doesn’t love fun!? I don’t know but I am not going looking for them.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Happy Mother’s Day! ?

Please do not go and see your mother today. It is the greatest gift you can give her. Yes, it is Mother’s Day in the UK on Sunday 22nd of March 2020, but please do not go to visit.

Your Mother gave you life and the most important thing you can do at this time is help protect hers.

My marvellous Mom lives 3,300 miles away, across an ocean, so there is little chance, in this no-fly era, that I would go and see her today anyway. But for those of you that live close enough to drive, or even walk, I strongly urge you to use Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc. or you can simplify and just call her on the phone.

The very last thing you want on your conscience, for the rest of your life, is to think that you may have caused your Mother’s early passing. If she were to come down with the symptoms of this virus within 14 days of your visit, you would probably never forgive yourself. Don’t take that chance this year.

And don’t use the justification that she is getting on and may not have many more, so we want to make this one special. Don’t turn many more into no more.

Have a lovely video chat or a phone call. Remember, she probably grew up in an era where people used the telephone anyway. It will remind her of the days of her youth.

If you really want to make an impact, by reminding her how wonderful she is and how much she means to you, spend the rest of your day crafting a lovely letter to her detailing why. You could even get it done in the morning.

Thank you and best wishes to all of the lovely Mother’s out there.
