CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Make Plans In Ink

We often make plans in our head. Which is a good start. Though, for more robust and longer term planning, writing down your plan in ink is super helpful. Try it!!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Growing up on a farm, this made a lot of sense. You had to work on sunny days. Now that I am no longer on a farm, this means something a little different to me.

It means work while you can. Work while you have the health and ability. While conditions are good, make the most of them.

Because on actual sunny days, I like to watch my kids play, stroll with my wife, go for a run, or have a siesta under a shady tree. Sometimes even drink a cold beverage.

Words and phrases can mean different things to different people or even the same people but in different circumstances.

Do the work, or go and play, while you can.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Make A Plan

It can be a simple plan of a few lines or a more involved plan of 20 pages or more. It depends on what you are trying to achieve.

Regardless, take the notes you’ve written down and start to coordinate them into a plan. You will need a start and a finish date and time. Some first steps. A desired outcome. Milestones are also helpful. And a few moments to breathe, pause, reflect and celebrate.

Like going on a road trip or a vacation, it’s beneficial to have a plan. That does include a budget too! Now you don’t have to have a plan. But that may have led you to where you are today. And unless you are 100% pleased with all of your life’s details at this time, then take my advice on the plan.

Planning itself helps to bring clarity to your thoughts, vision, process and steps. You don’t have to get it right but the process will help you enlighten yourself. There is an element of thinking on paper. Yes, it can feel like work but it doesn’t have to. If it does, put your head down and push through. This essential step towards success should not be overlooked or avoided.

Plan is step four in my upcoming book – Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. Making a plan can make people ill at ease or uncomfortable. It’s not just the effort of creating it but the concern or fear of not being able to achieve the desired outcome. Planning makes things real. And real life and effort has real consequences. But if you draft a plan and build on it weekly, you’ll be on your way to unstoppable.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Your Choices Create You

With every choice you make, you create your future. Each decision about people, places and things matter. Your choices create you as you select environment, friends and behaviours.

All the choices you have made have got you where you are now. Your decisions have influenced where you live. They also determined your income, family makeup, clothes you wear and hobbies you have.

Every choice you have made, big or small, has moved you in a direction. Your current situation is a result of all those decisions. Hopefully it is mostly good. If there are any areas you would like to change, you need to make different decisions for your future.

Want to stop drinking? Make different decisions than you do now. Decide to not go to the pub. Or, if you do, drink tea, water or soft drinks. Don’t bring alcohol into the house and you won’t be able to drink at home.

If you want to get your fitness up, then you need to start exercising more. Stop smoking or vaping. Eat healthier foods. Hang around different people. You will succeed quicker if you have healthier people around you. Also, decide to see yourself as a fit and healthy person. This one decision will have a huge impact on your results.

Your choices create you. Keep making better ones every day.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Make It A Game

Not everything is fun. Sometimes you have to do the work part of work. But it can be more enjoyable if you make it a game.

When you are waiting in a queue, see if you can guess how long the next person will be. Also try guessing what the people ahead of you do for work. You can even ask them if you want to verify your accuracy.

If you can take something tedious, boring or challenging and turn it into some fun, you could have a much better result. Certainly you are likely to have a much better time.

Most often it doesn’t take much to distract ourselves. Make the activity fun or interesting and time will fly by.

The great thing about our imagination is that we can use it to change the less interesting parts of life. In addition, the more you use it the better you’ll get at it. Keep youthful and play games.

Your mental strength will grow and the rest of your life will follow. Life can be seen as a game. It can be a deadly serious game or a lighthearted, enjoyable game. You tend to get to decide.

Whatever you do, make it a game.
