CategoriesObserveThink About It

Like Minded People

This is what we are all looking for. We want to find people we can relate to. Those people that think like us are golden. Like minded people make life easier. We don’t need to think. We can just float together.

This is an awesome experience. We can talk for hours with like minded people. We feel good about the experience. There is a flow to the conversation. We speak the same language. The words we select are from the same patch. And the order and tone we use is so simple and totally fluid.

It is easy to lull ourselves into a false sense of security that everyone thinks like us. Then someone uses a word that isn’t from our patch. Or the tone dips instead of rises. Occasionally we notice the words are positioned in an odd order to our expectations. Screech! Hand brake. What was that?

We pick up on these subtle nuances. There is a sense something is a little off but we may not be able to put our finger on it. Our backs get arched a tiny bit as we prepare to switch to defence. Who is the infiltrator, the odd one out? Why are they here? I hope they don’t bring their like minded people into this chilled oasis.

Comfort versus thinking and learning…

CategoriesReframe your thoughts

Keep A Positive Mind

It can be easy to let things slide a little. It’s simple to lose track and dwell a little on the negative. However, you must keep a positive mind throughout.

It seems easier to go downhill fast. It is certainly more effort to spiral up, with control and positive thoughts. Negative, dark thinking can be achieved very quickly if you don’t watch what you are doing.

One way to keep positive and happy is to not have any expectations. When you do think about the future, meet it with anticipation and curiosity. Guide your destiny but allow whatever arrives in your path to be there. Respond to it with a clear mind.

The anticipation you feel should find you full of wonder about what the next piece of the puzzle will be in your life. Curiosity helps keep the mind open to whatever it can be.

If you keep a positive mind, you will be best placed for the next thing that happens in your life. It can be the easiest and hardest thing to do. Though you should do it.

Do you remember Dr. Frasier Crane of the tv series Frasier? He would help people to be clear on their happy place. Then, when an event occurred that required a positive mindset, he would remind them to get to their happy place.

This is a great mindset trick that is particularly handy to have when life throws you a curveball.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Your Body Is A High Performance Machine

So treat it like one.

Make sure you eat well, and just enough. Not too little or too much.

Get enough good sleep, consistently. Seven to eight hours per day is ideal for most people.

Water it. Eight glasses per day (ish).

Exercise it. Get it to move around. Quickly. Slowly. Use all the different muscles, big and small. Use it or lose it.

Exercise your mind too. Stretch it with new ideas. Sit with thoughts that might be uncomfortable and understand why. Think good thoughts. Practice being grateful. For everything you have and are.

Your body is a high performance machine. Treat it like one.
