
These Are Some Powerful Words To Get You Started

Yesterday I wrote about using the power of belief. I also suggested you write out strong, empowering words. These are some powerful words to get you started.

The following phrases are suggestions for you to use and build on. Thinking about it, when they were suggested yesterday, is one level. Thinking about them adds a higher level. Seeing some written will put you at an even higher level of probability that you will use this technique.

If you then go and write these out yourself, you will feel even more empowered by them and this technique. You can then create your own list of words and phrases that trigger you to feel brilliant, confident and unstoppable. Read your list twice a day, at a minimum.

I am delighted to be awake again. Today is going to be a great day. Every opportunity to do so, I will be the most positive and enthusiastic person I know. My mind is clear and focused. I am mentally strong, confident and powerful. I have accomplished incredible, enjoyable and wonderful things in my life so far.

My future looks exceptionally bright and prosperous. I have the ability, talent, skills, discipline and desire to achieve anything. I will make daily progress towards my goals while being grateful for my very fortunate life.

These are some powerful words to get you started. You will have to do your own pushups from here. I can lead the horse to water but I can’t make you drink. If you want real change in your life, start with something simple and highly effective like this. Then we can move on swiftly, with this daily habit established.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessProgressWeight loss

This Is A Great Time To Get Fit

With all that is happening, or not happening, in our lives, this is a great time to get fit. Get both mentally fit and physically fit. Strengthen both your mind and body.

We could be in this for the long haul. So we should all strengthen our systems to ensure we are at our best should we be involved in more challenging times.

There is no right or wrong to fitness. But there are some basic matters you’ll want to address.

Improving your lung strength and capacity comes to mind. Reducing unnecessary weight is another. Resolving any conditions that weaken your system could be given a little more attention at this time.

Practicing some amount of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), meditation or resilience methods would help strengthen the mind. As the days and weeks continue with uncertainty, we will all need ever greater mental strength.

The summer months could be fine but it may become more of a challenge as winter arrives. We all need to be ready and in good mental and physical health by then.

Finally, eating better is helpful. More berries, nuts and eggs and fewer crisps and cakes. Foods that strengthen your immune system and build your body will be useful in the months and years ahead.

Make those life altering changes now while you can. This is a great time to get fit. Good luck with your progress!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

How Can I Do What I Want And Have A Different Life?

This is the unspoken question many people have in their subconscious when they are embarking on some change. How can I do what I want and have a different life? This idea, whether conscious or not, is certainly more likely to be felt if the activities for change are not something you want to do.

I want the new job, higher pay and fancier title. How do I get that without having to update my cv, look for a job, tell anyone, do more work than I am now or work any harder or have to learn new skills?

Can I please stay the way I am, with my habits and my own way of being? Can I do that and have everything else that I want? The short answer is no.

The next time you think to yourself, “How can I do what I want and have a different life?”, remember, you can’t. You must take the bull be the horns and ride it. Success leaves clues….

“Success leaves clues. Be a better observer of the winners and the losers, those who are doing well and those who are falling behind. Take mental notes and say: ‘I’m going to adjust what I’m doing based on what I see’”

Jim Rohn

Just be aware of what you are observing. Is it the best example to follow? Or, at least, is it better than what you currently follow? If it is, go ahead, use that until you find something better. If it isn’t, even if it is your Mum, Dad or local clergy, do not follow their lead. Find an example that leads you to the results that you want in your life. Then you need to put in the work!
