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Help Your Mom And Dad

Help them when you’re 11 years old. And also help them when you’re 16, 23, 37, 58 and 72, and all other ages.

When you’re young, do the dishes, keep your room tidy, get good grades, and help pack the car. Help carry bags and lift things as well as sell stuff on eBay and fold the laundry well.

You’ll feel better for having done it when you’re older. You made a contribution. You appreciated them. Taking some of their burden can be a very big help. You might not realise how big.

When you’re older, you can fix things around the house, take them to doctors appointments or help declutter papers and things.

Go sort something right now.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Appreciate Your Mother

Mom, Mum, Mother, or whatever you call that special woman who gave birth to you or raised you.

Sunday, in the UK, is Mother’s Day. A good time to give thanks for all that your Mom has done for you. From being a wee little thing, pushing on a swing and pushing you in a pram, to helping you learn to walk and maybe read.

She’s been there trying to make your life better in any way she can. Sometimes, or rather quite often, we don’t fully understand all that our Moms do.

So call her today, visit her, write her a letter or remember her and her place in your life.

Appreciate your mother.