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Missing The Moment

Things get missed, mistakes are made, time runs out. The picture isn’t always taken.

Sometimes we miss the moment. Although this can be quite upsetting, given the context, we must carry on. Time waits for no one. Get in front of the very next moment and capture the full essence of it.


That Aha Moment

Not to be confused with that A-ha moment you had back in 1985 with the song Take on Me. This is that aha moment you get every so often when you realise something for what it is or needs to be.

You know that moment when things strike you and the penny drops. Maybe you were working on a hard problem at school or work. Or, perhaps you were trying to solve a crossword puzzle or a who dunnit murder mystery. Sometimes, it is just a conversation recalled and a knowing smile when seeing it from a different angle.

We should have more of these aha moments. Try to cultivate them. Get the conditions right and the mind open and maybe you could have more of them than you could imagine. It almost feels like the giant combination lock in the sky just rolled the last tumbler into place.

Practice getting your mind to relax. It helps if you breathe deeply and let the air out slowly to relax your body, neck and shoulders too. If you can do this, you will be a on your way to a wonderful place. Universal coincidences happen more often when things are calm and aligned.

Practice getting that aha moment and you may just have more of them.