CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Less Is More

Less hurry is more calm.

Less distracted is more focused.

Less loose spending is more retirement savings.

Less shouting down others is more finding common ground.

And finally, less demanding is more receiving.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Leave Them Wanting More

Leave at the height of the party. Disappear at the top of your game. Keep them curious. Leave them wanting more. This strategy can buy you more time in life and be quite a good way to keep people looking forward to seeing you the next time.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Drink More Water

Water is like a miracle drug. It hydrates you so you have the right blood pressure as well as removes toxins. It can lower your blood glucose. It also helps to reduce constipation and keep your skin and internal organs healthy.

It’s also a great tool to help you lose weight or maintain your ideal weight.

However, if you neglect it, after 4 days without water, most people expire.

So treat it with the respect it deserves. Drink up!!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Listen More.

Sure you’re smarter, better educated and have more experience. But that also gives you biases, blind spots and sometimes a dismissive overconfidence. Other times you might just be defending your position or that of your tribe.

Are you looking for solutions? Are you looking for improvement? Are you willing to be given insight that you were not aware of, missed. Or overlooked?

it’s time to listen more. You’ll be better for it.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About It

Could You Do More In Your Day?

I bet you could. Stop scrolling, watching tv or chatting about whatever. Pick a topic, learn about it and then start to create a business with it. You’re not creating IBM overnight. But you will build a small company, learn a lot and maybe even build a bigger company eventually.

Do more of the things that get you closer to your goals and do less faffing around. You will love your progress.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

How Much More Could You Be Doing?

If you focused and were excellent with your time, could you be more productive? Could you get more done in a day?

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you don’t get distracted, procrastinate or do only the fun things.

If you seriously want to change your life, put the work in. Stop talking about it. Get it done.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Just One More, Can Create Challenges

Whether it’s a cookie, drink or one more ski run, just one more can change things.

The cookie can add to unwanted weight. The drink might having you feeling more tired in the morning. And the extra ski run might make you miss your connection back to your mountain base.

Know when to be grateful and satisfied. You’ll appreciate what came before even more.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Do One Less Thing

It doesn’t feel very high achiever, does it? Or, does it? That one more thing often means you are running late with greater stress. Or it keeps you up too late at night. That one more thing can really hamper your day.

Sure you can achieve one more thing, but was it an essential thing? Was everything essential today? Try to eliminate one thing from your day today. Make some breathing space. You could relax for that spare 10-15 minutes. Or get places on time. Or early!

You could go to bed a bit sooner and get a better night’s sleep. This all sounds good, healthy and sensible. So maybe go do it then. Don’t overthink it. Just remove those things from your day you won’t remember in 30 years.

Make more room for loved ones and the essentials of your life.

Do one less thing.