CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Take A Nap

A rejuvenating nap can be just the thing you need in the afternoon or early evening. It can clear things up for you and give you hours more of alert and enjoyable time.

I wouldn’t leave it too late though. Napping after nine pm and you may as well have gone to bed! Stay away from this plan unless you’re up due to a pressing deadline that must be met.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

I Don’t Feel Like It

Some days this is a very accurate statement. I like to think everyone else has days or moments like this. “I don’t feel like it”, has got to be an acceptable feeling and response at various points in life.

Today I felt that a few times. Always so much to do and there’s always more joining the queue. Sometimes you just want to go on a crazy, do-nothing holiday. Or is that just me?

It’s ok to not feel motivated. Or to feel quite lethargic, exhausted, burnt out, etc. Sometimes you just can’t be bothered. The effort doesn’t feel worth the reward – if there is any.

For some of these things, you just have to push through. You would be quite remiss to not do it. For example, not taking your life preserving medicine (cancer meds, type 1 diabetic, etc) or not feeding your children. You may not feel the desire to do so, but you really should do it.

I’d had enough excitement by 2:45 pm, so I had a nap on the sofa as the kids arrived in the living room for some after school screen time. I don’t think we really even noticed each other.

You don’t have to do everything and certainly not all the time.

When I don’t feel like it, I mix things up a bit. And you should too.
