CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

New School

Starting fresh can be filled with excitement, concern, uncertainty and delight. When you start at a new school, it can feel pretty full on.

There are all the new ideas to hear and assess, new rooms to explore, teachers to get to know and friendships to develop, and these all take energy and time. Though it’s well invested time.

Throw yourself wholeheartedly into the new situation and run with it. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but soon you will be feeling confident and well into they flow. Some might even say unstoppable.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Meet New People

If you have the chance, meet new people. Create scenarios where you meet new people now and then. New people can be the key to doors unknown.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

New Book Launches Today!!!

I’m very excited to announce the launch of my new book, Achieve Anything!

This book is for you, if you are not 100% satisfied with all parts of your life. If you struggle to set goals or complete goals, this book will help you push past the barriers and make your life more exciting than you thought possible.

The book is available from online booksellers around the world, including Amazon, Waterstones, !ndigo and Barnes&Noble. You can have a look at it or order it here >>>

There is a classic hardcover edition, easy to carry paperback and an ebook edition that goes with you anywhere you take your device. We are also preparing to release an audio version by the end of March.

If you would like an easy-to-read and simple-to-do guide on how to achieve more of the things you want in life, then go grab your copy of this book today. And for a limited period, I will be offering signed copies for people from my website here >>>

If you feel you received good value from the book, I would ask that you let me know what you were thinking on

In addition, please post an honest review on Amazon too. You’ll feel good, I’ll be grateful and it will help more people discover the book. So you’ll be helping other people change their life for the better too! ?

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Happy New Thinking!!!

Think better, feel better.

Really make an effort on thinking better in 2022. Use the six chairs and learn to understand other opinions. You do not have to agree with them. Though a little effort trying to understand the viewpoint goes a long way to a better life and society.

Happy New Thinking!!!

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Happy New Year!

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope you are making the best of things. Whatever the future brings, I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year!

Although 2020 will be long remembered for many things, we know what the main one, world-wide, will be. Covid-19 and it’s many challenges, including physical, financial and mental health related.

This next year, 2021, will come in with some similar challenges. In addition to masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and tiers, there will be the added component of a vaccine.

Hopefully this will allow us to have a major shift in getting back to regular life.

This time last year, we did not know this major health and economic challenge was going to be impacting us. Now we do know. We still don’t know how it ends, as no one can accurately predict the future at any time.

However, this year, you start by knowing it will be a part of your life in various ways. How will you play the 12 months that you will have in 2021? Knowing what you know, how will you think, what will you do and what things will you focus on?

I hope you have found ways to successfully navigate the challenges you’ll find in the year ahead. May you have peace, prosperity and good health, both mental and physical.

Happy New Year! ?

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Your Source Of Frustration

Recently there seems to be growing tension and anxiety in the universe. If you are feeling it too, look into your source of frustration. This one simple step can resolve a lot of aggravation and challenging feelings.

Perhaps you know what gets you agitated already. It could be your partner, a family member, the media, your social media feeds, someone or something at work, or even the trains being delayed.

If you don’t know what it is that agitates you, then have a think about. Monitor yourself today and consciously notice when you start to get a bit more anxious or frustrated. Notice what you are doing at that moment. Are you watching, reading, listening, conversing or observing?

I notice quite a few people develop some tension while engaging in the news. One thing I have found useful is to stop reading much news. I have also noticed that so many ‘news’ outlets are actually ‘opinion‘ outlets. And many of these tend toward the negative.

It doesn’t matter what the information they are conveying is, there is always ‘a risk’ or ‘a problem’. Sometimes they highlight ‘incompetence’, ‘intolerance’ and ‘lies’. Most do not provide only the facts for you to consider. They feed you the anxious feelings too. This might make your head ache and you’ll be grumpy with others.

Reduce your source of frustration.

Tap into something new.
