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Order From Chaos

Our goal as we grow older is to organise and order things from chaos. And to keep the chaos orderly.

Chaos is natural and easy. Order takes effort and discipline. The more skilled you become at making order from chaos, the more valuable you will become.

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Bring Order To Your Life

Even if it takes 5 years to get there, start getting all your things in order. Toss out all of your unnecessary items. If you don’t absolutely love it, or it doesn’t bring you great joy, send it on its way.

It’s unlikely to be easy or quick! but it’s possible to do with just a day at a time. Start today and good luck!!

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A Time And A Place

Everything belongs somewhere at some time. You might think of the Spacetime continuum when you read this. Having a time and place is natural. Though not everything will exist in the time and place of your preference.

At one moment a bowl will exist in your cupboard. Then it will be moved to the table for cereal or soup. It may then find itself in the dishwasher before being returned to the cupboard.

It may be your favourite bowl. However, someone in your house may have used it. So perhaps it wasn’t where you wanted it to be when you wanted it there. Let’s say it was dirty and in the dishwasher when you wanted to use it.

This is the way life is. Everything has a time and a place. But it may not be according to your desires. Besides, there seems to be too many places on Earth and in the universe for you to dictate where every single item should be and when.

So at those moments you find yourself trying to control too much with your Jedi capabilities, it’s time to let it go. Where focus goes, energy flows, as Tony Robbins says.

So put things in the best place you can at this time. Accept things are in the best place, if you can’t change them. And focus on the exact changes you wish to make.
