CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Focus On Great Outcomes

If you are going to spend any energy on outcomes, spend it thinking about, and hoping for, positive outcomes.

Sure, you can acknowledge that things may not go perfectly well and there may be a few bumps in the road, but certainly don’t dwell on it. A swift acknowledgment that it could happen is enough.

Then put all of your energy and time into thinking about the different ways the amazing outcome is going to improve your life and the lives of others.

Focus on that!

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Where Will Your Actions Today Take You?

What you do today sows the seeds for your tomorrow. What seeds are you planting? If you’re not planting healthy seeds, don’t expect much in the future. Are you learning new things? Are you acquiring new skills or honing useful ones?

Your application of your knowledge and skills is required to get some feedback and build a brighter future. Sow your seeds of success today and everyday.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

There’s Always An Outcome

In everything, there is always an outcome. Sometimes you get the outcome you want and other times you get a different outcome than desired or expected. But you often have some influence over the outcome. Sometimes it’s more than you think and other times it’s less.

Regardless of your perceived level of influence, do all the things you can legally and morally do to get the outcome you’re looking for.

Start early. Contact everyone you think can help influence the outcome. Be pleasant and fair but direct and concise. Assume “no” is a temporary answer and obstacle. Seek out solution-oriented individuals and companies. Consider all the options you can possibly think of. Talk to people to check the viability and probability of the various options.

You can achieve anything if you use all of your super powers and your current and desired network. ✅