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Enjoy The Outdoors

Get back to nature. Go for a walk in the park, go camping or hike a big mountain like Mount Kilimanjaro. Big adventure or around the corner, getting closer to nature, and keeping your phone in your pocket, is a great way to relax and refresh.


Loving The Great Outdoors

It’s great to get back outside and enjoying the spaces, sounds, smells and sights our world has to offer. Loving the great outdoors can be a very easy thing to do. Though sometimes the conditions have to be right.

Despite having done some exciting outdoorsy things, I tend to be a fair weather outdoorsman. I can handle some pretty big extremes. However, I do enjoy my creature comforts.

I’ve endured skiing in -40 Celsius conditions in Eastern Canada. I’ve also picked grapes in 40+ Celsius weather in the outback of Australia. Night diving on The Great Barrier Reef was exciting. As was hiking to the top of Africa by reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

I’m generally a fair weather camper. Though listening to tonight’s rainstorm from inside our tent was fascinating and a real delight.

Hearing the wind howl and rain lash down and sweep across the tent was quite something. It’s not often enough that we stop and just admire the natural world.

Although nature can be tough, cruel and destructive with its hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and hailstorms. There is such awe in those things and beauty in its kinder, gentler aspects.

The wind and rainstorms are more exciting when you’re not stuck out in them. So from inside my tent, I’m loving the great outdoors.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & Fitness

Enjoy The Outdoors

As countries begin to open up and allow greater freedom of movement, savour and enjoy the outdoors. The air is fresher, the birds are chirpier and the sunshine feels warmer.

Often when we lose something, we miss it and appreciate it more when it is back. I wonder how many people will appreciate and enjoy the outdoors more going forward.

I go for a run most days. Usually I run between 4 km and 14 km. The shorter runs usually involve running along the Thames, which is lovely. By comparison, the longer runs often find me running through Richmond Park and saying hello to the deer.

Right now it is fantastic running through the Park as there are no cars or cyclists and no airplanes overhead. In addition to that, there are very few people.

It is nice to enjoy the outdoors when the conditions are so enviable. I know it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but how nice would it be to keep the Park like this? In Ottawa, they close the riverside to cars on the weekend so cyclists and walkers can enjoy the space. Maybe that could be a start?

Every Sunday, or even Sunday morning, Richmond Park would only be open for people on foot. So many benefits to be had. Could we make it happen?
