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Pre-Holiday Pace!

Remember how effective you are each week before going on holiday? You delegate tasks, complete projects, prepare the family, the suitcases, insurance, flights and so on.

You manage to do this with a little less sleep and presumeably a lot more stress. However, you don’t show it.

Try to be that whirlwind for more weeks of the year. Imagine what you could accomplish at that pace!

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Who Sets Your Pace?

What tempo do you move at? Are you getting things done like a person possessed or are you chilling like there is all the time in the world?

Once again, this can be heavily influenced by the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you are working with people who are action takers and getting things done quickly, you’ll probably start doing the same. If you are surrounded by people who sit on the park bench watching the world go by, you’ll probably find yourself there ever more frequently.

And if you think you have no further capacity to do more, you may be wrong. Consider Roger Bannister who came fourth in the Olympics in 1952 for the 1500 meters. Then, using top pacers in 1954, he became the first person to break the 4 minute mile at 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.

Who sets your pace?

*(Thank you Ski for the topic in our Clubhouse room Monday)

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Move With Pace

It’s fun to watch people from different places or with different mindsets as they move through their day. Some are speeding through, making rapid progress. Others are sauntering along like they’ll live to 200 with no ageing. Choose your pace but it dictates your race. Are you in the race to win? Move with pace.


Move At Pace

Sometimes you feel sluggish. Or perhaps its the people around you. Maybe you are a bit directionless. That’s ok. Move at pace though once you have a clear vision and are committed.

If you know where you want to go, you may as well get there quickly. It is amazing how much quicker people will decide, move and complete once they are clear on their direction.

Which makes sense. There may not be a lot of value in racing around if you have no focused destination. So rest, reflect and consider your situation and where you might like to go in those circumstances. And as you get a stronger vision, you will start to move more quickly.

You will gain momentum. That will build up and press you forward even faster. This is demonstrated well the three days before you go on holiday. Work items get delegated, delivered or deleted at great speed.

In addition, you do start to copy the speed of those around you. So, once again, be selective with who are in your flock. It’s ok to shuffle and sway when you are on a beach holiday. But when it is time to get the work done, you will want to be around people who move at pace!
