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The Perfect Answer

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would just tell you the next step to the ideal destination? If someone could give you the perfect answer, you could just get on with it.

The times I am most lost, or I procrastinate, involve moments where I am uncertain of the next best step. Being uncertain has its positive moments but not usually when involving decisions about life direction or major moments.

Sometimes I would just prefer if an exceptional being could hand me a map to my destination. On that map would include the next 20 steps exactly laid out so I just had to do them. No guess work and success guaranteed. It wouldn’t have to be every time either. But simply once in awhile, when I am most stuck.

Wouldn’t you like to have a helpful situation like that?

Of course there are many books, coaches, courses, classes, programs etc that can help you find your way. Though how many of them provide a bullet pointed map, with 20 precise steps to your ideal destination?

Perhaps someone will create the ultimate map with step by step instructions. They could sell it with a guarantee for success. That would be worth buying.

Getting the perfect answer has a great deal of value.


Awaiting Perfect Conditions

We all can do pretty well when all the stars line up. Life is so easy when all the stop lights are green. However, awaiting perfect conditions may be a fools errand. It’s pretty rare to have exactly ideal conditions for anything.

It is usually far better to strike while the iron’s hot and not wait for everything to be all in order. It can be difficult to know the precise best time to make your move. However, with some action immediately, you are likely to be in the best position going forward.

If you go to bed late, you can’t always wait until you have your eight hours sleep. You may have to get up after 5 hours and just get through the day like that. Maybe you would feel better getting more sleep. However, you probably have other matters to tend to. The ideal conditions are a nice to have that most of us will not see.

Imperfect results can be the results of acting now. But it is usually going to be the best you can get sorted anyway. And given that life is short, you don’t want to waste the bulk of it awaiting perfect conditions.