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Bad Situation Or Bad Person

Good people can get caught up in bad situations. Try not to be one of them. Stear clear of tense or difficult people and situations.

Sometimes good people find themselves in a bad situation, where they are almost certain to do something bad to get out of it. This is quite unfortunate. They may not be a bad person through and through, they just made a bad decision in a difficult situation.

Then they get branded bad forever for that one negative thing they did. It may not be fair but now that you know, stay away from such situations so you never have to deal with the consequences.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Be The Bigger Person

When someone says or does something that bothers you, you don’t have to bother them back. It’s not a competitive Olympic sport where you get points and medals.

Usually it’s better if you can be the bigger person. You can shrug it off and move on with your day, not missing a beat. It often helps to think that they are probably having a bad day or aren’t very skilled in conversation, joy or gratitude.

It’s not your job to teach. Though your response can help them see how to respond to challenging moments in a better way.