CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsTime

Dream, Research, Plan, Execute.

Use this four step process to reach your exciting dreams. These are the very basic steps.

It does take some effort to think things through and to write it all down. The writing helps you hone in on the specific detail.

Take 60 minutes every month and review this plan. You should add new dreams to it then too.

Go on! Dream a little.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressThink About It

Review 2024 & Plan 2025

If you haven’t already, get a notebook or even a piece of paper and do this today. Take 20 minutes and list out highlights of 2024, including what inspired you, what you achieved and what you loved. Set a timer for 20 minutes and write as fast as you can. You can also include challenges you overcame. Keep each idea short like a bullet point.

Then set your timer for another 20 minutes and try to write out up to 50 things you want to do, have, or be in 2025 and 2030. Write fast using the list you just made as an inspiring guide. Also use your most exciting ideas and imagination.

With this list of 50 things, decide which you want to achieve in 2025 and which might take longer like 2026 or 2030. Put the year you want to achieve the goal next to the goal itself.

Then gather up all the 2025 goals and decide which 5 are most important to you. With these five, write some greater detail around what the goal will look like once it is achieved.

Also write a list of next steps you will need to take to get closer to that goal.

Now put two dates next to each step so you know when you have to start and complete that step.

Now go work your plan!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Plan Well Ahead

Whether you’re going on a trip or getting together your thoughts on retirement in 30 years, plan well ahead.

It’s a good idea to think things through, write things down, organise a plan and then take action.

if you plan well ahead, you are more likely to achieve the goals and dreams that you have noted down.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessTimeWeight

Make A Plan For Life

Begin with the end in mind. In your final days, when you look back over your life, what will you be proud of? What will you savour and hold close?

Who will tidy your mess? There are many questions to answer including whether you left an inheritance, fond memories, or children.

Hopefully you will have been a net giver on this Earth. You will have a tidy and easy to understand book of your affairs for your Executor.

What fun plans will you have had, trips will you have taken, and opportunities will you have pursued.

Sit down at a computer, or with pen and paper, for one hour this weekend and write out your life from its finish, back to now. Write out the highlight real you want to watch in your later life.

Then on Monday, set to work to ensure you do all that you wrote. That’s how you create a dream life.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Plan Your Calendar

Aim to get three big things done each day. Build these three things into your calendar. Actually assess the amount of time it will take to do the thing. Then book that amount of time in your calendar, including timed breaks.

Then when that time comes up, do the thing you’re supposed to do, exclusively. Do not multi-task. Do not answer calls or look at notifications. Just get the work done so you never have to do it again.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Stick To Your Daily Plan

Write out your timed plan for the day ahead. Allow 30 min in the morning and 30 min in the afternoon to accommodate overruns and unexpected calls and diversions.

Otherwise, stick to your daily plan. You may have to say no a lot and work quicker, but don’t let things slide.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Set Your Day The Night Before

Make great plans and stick to them. They may be delayed by events or go a little sideways at times. Allow for that but stay the course and carry on.

Prepare in writing what your following day will be. Plan the hours, and allow the correct amount of time. Don’t allow too much but allow sufficient time to actually complete the tasks.