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Make Plans In Ink

We often make plans in our head. Which is a good start. Though, for more robust and longer term planning, writing down your plan in ink is super helpful. Try it!!

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Shifting Your Focus

It can seem odd, natural or fantastic. When you are trying something new, it can be a little uncomfortable. Shifting your focus from one space to another can leave most people wanting a way out.

People make big shifts all the time. It just might not seem like it. We all made a significant shift when we left secondary school. Whether you left in year 7 or after A levels, your next move would have felt like a big one. You may have gone to work, or out as an apprentice or maybe even off to university.

Regardless of where you went, the focus shifted. The standards changed. Your perception of yourself and the perceptions others had of you changed. You might have been considered a school leaver or thought of as university bound. It can be hard to reconcile your new description or tag. Sometimes in life, we won‘t like the description we have been given.

It does not matter though. You need to move on faster, both mentally and in the physical realm. The sooner you can adjust your lenses, the easier you may find it comfortable.

I have been shifting in many ways over the years. From banking, to a corporate role, to a property investor, to a full time Dad, to an author, blogger and now content creator on YouTube. All of these new skills and opportunities.

Shifting your focus can bring lots of excitement into your life.


Plans Change

Hello 2021!! I can see you over there in the corner. Don’t be shy. It’s time to start making a name for yourself. Plans change as life goes on so you need to quickly prepare for alternatives.

It’s almost inevitable that people start thinking about next year in December. We start to think about a fresh new year with a clean slate. It will be full of promise, excitement and opportunity. New goals and objectives with ambitions to achieve anything we can dream of.

2020 wasn’t quite the year many had expected. Some people did very well and some did not. Some people had to change their plans for schooling, work, travel arrangements, family visits and all manner of things.

Interruptions occur in life as do distractions. We need to practice being nimble and flexible. Rolling with the punches is a good skill to have. Developing different talents, income, career paths and relationships can be helpful.

Many things you thought you would do in 2020 might have been postponed until 2021. Hopefully that will now work out. However, if things don’t go as you expect, you will need to make other arrangements.

With just under two weeks to go until the new year, you best get your goals and targets locked in for 2021, 2026 and 2031.

However, prepare for alternative options, because, plans change.
