
Plant Now To Harvest Later

Where you are today is directly linked to the actions you took five years ago. Did you plant the crop you wanted? Plant now to harvest later.

Because growth is hard to see over the short term, we can ignore our actions for awhile. Although that is not what you want to be doing.

You must be intentional with your thoughts and actions today. If you are, you increase the likelihood of achieving the results you desire.

It does take time and it does take effort. You need to tend to your goals like you tend to a garden. Keep the weeds away. Weeds are like the negative influences of well meaning friends and family.

Some people and situations will try your beliefs. You will need resilience to carry on and continue to push forward towards your dreams.

Be clear what you are planting. Be clear on what results you want in a week, month, year and five years. You can adjust later if your desires change.

However, don’t change because it’s hard. Keep pressing on in that case. It is ok to change course. But do it for the right reason. You’ll be happier for it in the long run.

Plant now to harvest later.