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My Mind Is Popping

So many ideas, thoughts, perspectives and considerations have been bouncing around in my head this week. I can’t keep up! I’ve written down about 35 blog post titles, ideas or drafts in the past seven days. So many points to cover or clarify in my head.

Sometimes I can write quickly because I have thought about that topic numerous times and I am clear in my thinking and position. Other topics require a little more consideration, addressing all six chairs, removing the sample size of one and decoding all of the information supplied by various media, social accounts and friends.

Assessing without judgement. Considering without bias. Or noting my own bias and flipping the tables to see from the other side. Then I can remove my bias when I walk in the shoes of others.

So many things to write, to share, to consider! My mind is popping!!!

PS Thank you to all of you lovely people buying my book Achieve Anything and keeping it in the bestseller lists on Amazon! I am surprised and delighted each day it is there. And thank you to those putting rating and reviews up on Amazon – Greatly appreciated! Put one up if you haven’t already and we’ll head into double digits. Finally, thanks to those telling others, posting on social media, sending me pictures or notes, and generally delighting in it. ?