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Why Be Negative?

There are so many things to be. Though the big difference can be found in just the direction you may go in. With a great alternative, why be negative?

It takes effort to be one thing or another. It takes practice and effort to frown or not smile. Consider that next time you are standing around.

One way to make everything seem better is to smile. Though many people would rather be left for dead than smile. But it is such a nice thing to see. People that smile appear friendlier, warm and welcoming. They radiate an energy.

People know this intuitively but are also asked to smile many times in their lives. Frequently young people are asked to smile and especially now for photos. However, there are some people that would rather resist this temptation to smile, laugh or be playful.

Negative sentiments can lead to slouching, poor posture, low energy, sickness and yes, even grumpiness. On the other hand, people could choose to be happier, joyful and bright. It is a habit, whichever you choose, but it is hard to understand the thinking behind being more negative than positive.

Think about your face, posture and thoughts right now. Learn about how you are and change it if you are not being delighted, fun and playful more often than not.

Why be negative?

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Keep The Faith

We will all find difficult moments in life. Sometimes the challenges seem too many and last too long. Keep the faith. Work towards a brighter future and as sure as winter turns to spring, things will improve.

Life can be tough. It sure can have its moments. Though sometimes these moments seem to drag on for a long while. On top of that, other elements combine to make it all seem even worse.

But when you are confident that better days are ahead, it fills you with the resilience you need to press on. Face the music and the brutal facts of reality and then imagine your way out and onto a better path.

You can lean on a family member or friend to help you through. And there are organisations out there that are set up for just this sort of thing. Make use of them. They were set up because the founder had probably been through life’s challenges too.

Focus on the positive. Reach out to family, friends or organisations. Know that time helps everything get better. Read books that are positive and useful. Set up your environment to win. Know that it will get better, especially if you work at improving your mind, body and soul.

Keep the faith. Sometimes it is all we have.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Be More Positive

There are a lot of opinions flying around about everything. Oftentimes I hear, see or read argumentative positions. Be more positive from now on.

Loads of people say they want calm. So many people supposedly want peaceful days ahead. Yet, when they communicate, they create a division and fire up hostility.

Being online the last few days, I really looked at the way people interacted. There are a lot of people on there that just want to drop bombs into conversations. They don’t think about their actions, or if they do, their intent is not coming from a good place.

There are the clever quips, flippant retorts and angry comments. Lots of name calling and frustration. Does this ever help? If a child saw the world a little differently than you did, would you berate them? Would that help?

Treat your conversations like you’re speaking to a 10 year old. Not in a condescending way, but in a helpful, curious and empathetic way. Perhaps they have a different religion, had a tumultuous childhood or are feeling unheard, uncertain, or alone. Why add to their distress?

This isn’t some war of attrition. If you take the time to comment, make it positive and build the other person up. Yes it can be hard when you have spite on the tip of your tongue. But if you can’t make a helpful comment, just keep scrolling.

Be more positive.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

The Glass Is Half Full

The glass has 250 ml of water in it. That is the fact. Your interpretation of the situation could lead you to say that the glass is half full. Or you could announce that the glass is half empty.

Many studies have been made of this simple exercise. In addition to scientific research, many people have tried to elicit people’s opinions at home or in a pub.

Many people believe your answer gives insight as to whether you perceive things in a more optimistic or pessimistic way. Another way to look at it is whether a person has an abundance mindset or a scarcity mindset.

Either way, unless you describe it as 250 ml of water or that the water is at about the halfway mark, then you are using your opinion. And that opinion can be rather revealing

Though having a negative bias or positive bias on such an insignificant matter, probably isn’t going to change your life. However, this minor bias can start to be the way you see more things.

This bias can develop into a positive cycle of abundance and appreciation or a negative cycle of scarcity and criticism. The shift is so subtle at first. Most people will not notice it. But as your bias continues to strengthen, you and others may start to pick up on the focus.

Your glass may never be filled to the top.

So when the glass is half full, enjoy it!

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Start Your Day In A Positive Way

Every word, thought or situation can send you down a different track so start your day in a positive way. You may as well choose a good track to start on.

When you wake up, you could smile. Then remember to be grateful for being allowed to play the game for another day.

You could get out of bed, and seize the day – carpe diem style.

Take six minutes to go through the six minute miracle morning. This will help start your day in a positive way.

You could also try to be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know for the rest of the day. What would that look like? Try it. You might enjoy it. It is a good personal challenge to try to develop a few days a week.

If a word, thought or situation triggers you and starts to send you down a less positive detour, recognise it and restart from there.

One way to keep a cheery disposition, and save yourself some precious time every day, is to not read, watch or listen to any news stories. They are the best negative programming if you want to be less happy rapidly.

Try swapping news (radio, tv, paper, online, etc) for something positive like an inspiring podcast, an uplifting book, or some motivating YouTube videos.

Try one or all of these ideas above at least once. You never know what might set you on a different, more positive path.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Positive And Enthusiastic

“Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

I have loved this quote since I first read it in my early 20’s.

It really struck me as a great philosophy for life and really aligned with how I tried to be. I think about it frequently and try to live this way daily. Some days to a greater degree than others.

A person could say that life has so many challenges and hardships that it would be hard to be positive and enthusiastic. This would ring true if you looked at life from that perspective. Believing you will encounter countless difficult situations in life, however, is all the more reason to be positive and enthusiastic now.

Reasons to be positive and enthusiastic:

Firstly, to keep your own spirits up in the face of challenges and hardships. Secondly, when you appreciate the trillions to one odds of being born. Thirdly, to be a role model to your children, family and friends. Finally, to help lift people up that are going through tough challenges and hardships at this time.

Imagine a world where most people were trying to become the most positive and enthusiastic person they knew. What might that feel like?

If you would like to be a little more positive and enthusiastic, print out, or write out this quote a few times and put it somewhere you will see it throughout your day. You could place this on your dresser, bathroom mirror, dashboard of the car or on your desk where you work. Hopefully it will make you smile each time you see it or think of it. I certainly do.

Then you just need to practice being positive and enthusiastic. Say and do things that will add positively to your relationships today. Say and do things that demonstrate your enthusiasm for your situation and the people around you. It can be a lot of fun, if you let it.


CategoriesThink About It

You’re being brainwashed

Call it brainwashing or programming. Even influencing, education, training or encouraging.

We all choose to allow others to fill our minds with thoughts and ideas which lead to our basic, individual philosophy, which then leads to plans and actions.

We choose to tune in or tune out, to something or someone, at every second of the day. You’re listening to, or tuned into, your friends, radio, spouse, news outlet, social media feeds, your own mind and thoughts, children, parents, journalists, entertainers and tv.

Hence, we are all being brainwashed by others if we don’t stop and think about what we are letting our minds consume. Just as with food, our consumption habits will catch up with us and it will be obvious to others and eventually ourselves.

We tend to adopt the message and philosophy of the content creator, or we move on to something that appeals to us more in that moment. We will return to the content, and the content creator, that we enjoy, agree with, or that makes us feel comfortable, thereby reinforcing their message and adopting it within ourselves.

Of course if we don’t like certain content or the creator, or if we stop, think and recognise that it is not good for us, we can choose to simply ignore it. That’s right: it’s a choice.

Is all of your mental consumption making you a better, happier person, or should you consider switching out some content creators?
