CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Hope Is Powerful

Hope is forward facing. It faces the future. It gives you an uplifting feeling that things will work out. It’s visualisation, imagination and a mental frequency.

With hope, so much can be achieved. Fear can be conquered and lives can be changed.

It gives you a single point of focus and that is very powerful. Now put action behind the hope and you can propel yourself to untold success and achievement.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Then Is A Powerful Word

We will go to the store and then…. I bought a new car and then…. The word, then, forces you to use your imagination and visualise the future and the next step.

As long as you can see the next step, you can move yourself forward, progressing toward a goal. So get in the habit of saying “then” and then filling in the blanks as required.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Music Is Powerful

It can bring you back to a forgotten time. It can inspire you to greatness. Memories can be summoned by just a few notes. Music is a powerful medium. Harness it for good.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Moments Are Powerful

We remember moments. The good ones and less good ones. These powerful, emotional moments will have a great impact on our lives. These moments can lock in how we feel about someone for years or decades. Something said or done can really hit you in a few seconds.

Accidents, crimes, criticism, awards, compliments and victories have very strong moments attached to them. They are felt and they are memorable. They can be found in your memory bank without much effort. Though some need some real digging if you buried them deep.

Find these and extinguish their negative effect or use the positive ones to create great energy. Moments are powerful. Learn from them.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Consistency Is Powerful

Getting started can be tough. Continuing can be even harder. But that is the work you need to do to succeed. Consistency is powerful both in terms of confidence and outcomes.

A consistent drip of water is enough to put a dent or hole in a rock over time. You may not get the result you want straight away, but over time the probability of reaching your goal increases.

You can see this with any goal you are aiming at. If you are consistent with the foods and drinks you consume, you can reduce or maintain your weight. Keeping to a daily and weekly exercise regime will work wonders to tone your body and improve your fitness.

The great feeling of seeing daily or weekly improvements also builds confidence. Inconsistent approaches return uncertain results. This in turn weakens your faith in the process. With a reduction in faith, you are less likely to continue to do the things you are supposed to do. This creates an unnecessary loss in confidence.

You see, the flywheel can work both ways. It can help you improve, gain confidence and flourish. However, the negative reinforcement can also accelerate your demise.

Consistency is powerful. Use it to your benefit.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Powerful Storms

Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, torrential rain and high velocity wind are all associated with powerful storms.

These environmental systems can come into our lives quite quickly. They are often incredible to witness. The sites, sounds, size and impact of intense weather systems can leave one in amazement. Pictures and videos can capture the moment but being there live, in person, can provide a whole new perspective.

I mention this as, here in London, on the 18th May, we had some crazy weather. It swooped in rather quickly. The sky blackened. Possibly the longest rumbling thunder I’ve ever heard, enveloped us in a percussionists dream. There was sharp lightning, intense rainfall and even hail. Not one to be out in. Alas, both our sons arrived home in the middle of it and were absolutely soaked.

This reminds me of living through Hurricane Emily, the Category 5 storm that pummelled Mexico in 2005. In addition, I’ve witnessed some incredible storms in Eastern and South Western Ontario. Once, in the former, we had to pull over and stop the car because the rain was so torrential. In the later, the skies lit up with an incredible array of lightning.

Well sometimes we have storms in our life. Some we see coming and some explode upon us with little warning. But we can weather those storms. Know that it won’t last. It may be intense but it will subside and you can carry on again.

Powerful storms are engaging, but do end.