
One Item At A Time

Don’t think about the pile of things to do if you have just come back from holidays. Put a few things in priority order and then start doing the most important one first. Then when you finish, just keep going with the next item and then the next.

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I See Your Priority

What you do tells me what is important to you. What you say tells me what you would like to be, or what you think should be, important to you.

If your Mother requires medical attention and you go on a three day camping trip, I’ll know where your priorities lie.

When you need to complete some important work and you go out for coffee or do other things, we know what you prefer to do.

Sometimes we want to do short term fun or more pleasurable activities or ones we know how to do. We then avoid doing the more important ones.

What we need to do is break the pattern, put our head down, sit still and think our way through each line item. Yes, it can be painful. No it is not usually fun. However, you do the hard now and life gets easier later. Do the easier now and you are bound for hard later. You can’t avoid the hard. You simply need to decide which hard you’re willing to bear.

I see you priority. Do you?