CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Want To Be Right Or Progress Forward?

Oftentimes we are so focused on our own view, and holding on to it, and defending it so we can be “right”, that we miss the opportunity to improve the situation.

While we stick to our perspective and search only for data to support our bias, we don’t listen to evidence being presented that may have some merit. Defending our position and being right becomes the overriding objective, not solving the problem.

Imagine the improvement in our world if we focused on really understanding the different perspectives presented, clarifying what the actual issue is and using all the data to find a better way ahead.

Try focusing on a better outcome rather than defending your position. It’ll be a game changer.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTimeWeight loss

Track Your Progress

This one habit will help you achieve a lot more than you can imagine. If you are trying to make progress hourly, then track this on an hourly basis. When you are trying to make weekly progress, track weekly.

Decide on your specific metrics, write them down and then write down each tracking data point. Yes, it’s easy to do in your head. But it’s not nearly as effective.

If you are serious about winning and achieving, write down your precise metrics and time intervals. Then track the metrics precisely and consistently. Writing it down may seem like a bother, but it is this little tiny sacrifice in your day that will make all the difference.

CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Day 2 Done

Are we on track? Can you do this yourself? Do you need help? Would it help to have someone on your team to push you through when your discipline fades and you lose the level of responsibility or accountability you need to make the real changes you want in your life.

There are people who are willing to help. I am one of them. They can assist you in getting the results you want. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool them.

Get some help and rock those results!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeObserveProgress

Review Your Progress

‘Are we there yet?’ Clearly wanting to know how far from the finish we are is a natural desire. ?

If you’ve ever had a long journey with kids in the car, you’ll know the phrase I am referring to. But adults want to know to. They check maps, or their satnav, to see if they are ‘making good time’ and where the next rest station is.

Employers want to see ‘progress reports.’ Athletes need to track their gains and PBs. We all want to be a little better or further along with something at sometime in our lives.

It’s easier to review your progress if you have a plan to track against. Then you can course-correct if need be because you’ll know when you are a little off course. Tracking your progress allows you to see your plan unfold. And, spoiler alert, you’ll also know when to celebrate as you reach milestones.

This may be the most skipped step in the 7 step process. People are averse to tracking and reviewing. There are a variety of reasons for this. But the impact is that they usually make less progress. Often this occurs because they don’t know the progress exists so they give up too early and throw out the plan. If only they doubled down their discipline and tracked their progress and reviewed their plan daily. There would be a lot more achievements in this world!!

Review is step six in my forthcoming book – Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. Be sure you include a daily review element to your plan to greatly increase your chance of success. Review your progress!

PS. On Tuesday, I received the Advance Copy of the paperback!!! Looking great! Amazing to have it in my hands. A couple of tiny tweaks is all it needs. Hopefully the hardback will look equally fantastic when I receive it later this week!


It’s Hard To Continue

Starting can be easy compared to keeping something going. Pay for the gym and go for two weeks. We’ll check back in with you after week seven. Still going everyday? How about three times per week?

Quit smoking? Great start! Let’s see where things are after 60 days. Saving money to build an investment pot for retirement? Great! Let’s see where things are at in month four. What happened?

Starting has it’s challenges but so does keeping it all consistent. But since you started, keep the discipline every day. Save just one pound in your piggy bank or online bank. Do one push up. Push the smokes away one more time.

It isn’t easy. But it is worth it. So many benefits in building new, positive habits.

Do one thing towards your new goal each day. Have a solid reason why you’re doing it. Make it an emotional one, not just practical. Develop tenacity and discipline. Listen to, watch or read motivational material such as The Quote of the Day Show, YouTube channels, or my upcoming book (sent final typesetting changes back to the publisher today ?).

It’s hard to continue. But do it and build your pride, self esteem and better life.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Why It Is So Hard To Change

Common phrases like, “I keep trying”, “I can’t lose weight”, and “I’m not good enough”, hold people back. In part, this is why it is so hard to change.

When you want to change something in your life, you need to move from uncomfortable to unstoppable as quickly as you can. Part of the problem is wanting to have different results without doing things differently. Improvement usually requires a change in thoughts and actions. And these tend to make us uncomfortable, so we stop.

Think of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. It doesn’t stick a couple of wings on and fly off. It fully commits to its transformation. The caterpillar has to leave its old life behind to emerge into its new life. It is still the same ‘me’ once it is a butterfly. Though it is a different ‘me’ from before.

The butterfly has shifted from a creepy crawler to a beautiful, slim, flying machine. That is the power of the growth mindset – the will to grow into something magical and willing to leave their old life behind, never to return to it. I know it is uncomfortable at first when going through any change. However, as you shift your mindset and your body, the sooner you will be transformed.

Allow yourself to leave the the old you behind. Commit to the new you and fully embrace it.

Eliminate the number one reason why it is so hard to change.

CategoriesObserveProgressThink About It

Progress, Change Or Improve

People want to change the world. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will improve it. Given the chance to make progress, change or improve yourself, or anything else, which word would you choose?

I used to be an adherent to change. Change was good. It was different to whatever is now. But that may mean worse as well as better, from your perspective or from that of others.

Then I became an ardent fan of progress. Progress was better than change. It sounded like it was at least going in the best direction.

However, I am not sure things that seem like progress always are. Like change, it can seem good to some but can be at the expense of many others.

Knowing what we know now, many things that seemed like progress at the time, may not have turned out like that in the longer run.

Was the machine gun progress over a pistol? Was nuclear power progress? Industrialisation – was that progress? Ask people interested in the planet’s future.

We should aim to improve. Improving suggests making things better, for many. It encapsulates change and progress but also a broad reach that helps most people that are impacted by it. It’s not about a select few, or one political, religious or tribal view.

Progress, change or improve? Aim at improve.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Personal Accountability Is Critical

You can have reasons or results. You can be someone who produces or gives excuses. Everyone can deliver or wither. Personal accountability is critical.

It may be a good idea to decide which way you want to live your life. And you may also want to consider how you are perceived. Do you want to point to any possible hurdle in life and blame it for your lack of success? Another way is to reach down, overcome the obstacle and succeed despite it.

Perhaps a child is not getting decent grades at school. Should we blame the teacher, the school, the system or the leaders of the country? Starting with the child might be a better option. Is the child capable of better grades? Are they putting in the time and focused effort that that child needs to in order to achieve the higher grades expected?

There is a generally accepted ‘better way’ to do almost anything these days. You can find these online easily. Not only is there one ‘better way’, frequently you will be able to find many very good options to choose from. To get from London to Paris you could drive, fly or take the train. There are also pros and cons for each.

Personal accountability is critical. Get the results despite the hurdles.