CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Strong Push

Sometimes you need to give a strong push to complete a project, revise for an exam or finish a race or workout.

If it’s not very difficult or draining, both mentally and physically, you might not really understand the word strong.

It could involve two days with no sleep or six days with only 3 hours sleep a night. It will be uncomfortable but it is short term and required to ensure the goal is met in the required time.

Train your brain to push through the pain and challenges and on to the win!!!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Through To The End

Well done to get started! Congratulations on your persistence so far. Keep pushing hard to the end. See it through. Don’t waver, relax, coast or give up. The critical part, the finishing, is just around the corner and you’re doing so well! Push through!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Yourself Harder

You know when you’re coasting, drifting, or giving it your all. And unless you’re very disciplined, you probably only give 40% each day. It might be more if you have a coach and are serious about success. That might get you to 80%-90%.

You have to want that last 10%. You have to push yourself beyond your own limiting beliefs. You can do it. But will you?


Final Push

Final week to get things ready for Christmas and the four day weekend. Get things tidied up Sunday latest Monday. Double check you’ve got it all done. Done the shopping, booking, preparing and maybe even the wrapping and any final cards.

Accept whatever isn’t done and enjoy all that has been.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Give That Extra Push

You’re exhausted. It is the end of the day. Your bed is calling out to you. You want nothing more than to collapse. Give that extra push at this point. Take 10 more minutes to get one more thing done.

Push through and get that tough task started so tomorrow morning it is already underway. Or write out the goals, key elements and times for tomorrow. Alternatively you could get that one extra, easy item off your to do list. It shows up everyday and you never really notice it or find the time to do it. Tonight is that time.

Do this extra 10 minutes of effort five nights a week for one year. That will get roughly 250 items off your list. Or it will help streamline your life.

You will also feel much better for having got it off your list. It will lighten your mental load. As you get 4 or 5 done next week, you will feel like you’re making progress. The pride in doing that little extra will shine through. You will stand a little taller as you build goodwill with yourself.

This tactic will also help you push through further in other areas of your life. Your resilience will grow. Your determination will strengthen.

Give that extra push. It will be worth it.