When you’re all ready and you’ve done your prep, just relax and enjoy the show.
Tag: Relax
Boxing Day Relax
The thing I love about Boxing Day is that it really is a nothing day. I feel no compulsion to do anything. Although I think I should check out some sales and pick up a few things that are now in the need category, I won’t probably do it and will enjoy doing nothing.
There is no requirement to see anyone. It’s not like a bank holiday Monday where you try to get away for the long weekend because of it either. It’s a day to relax and truly do nothing. Or anything you want.
Rather than Boxing Day, I think of it as Bonus Day.
Relax – You Can’t Do It All
This is an important observation.
There is a lot to do in launching my new book. There are best practices and pre-order marketing along with preparation for post launch and how to price during the first week or two and beyond.
Like preparing to go on holiday and leaving the office for two weeks, you can’t sort everything. You can delegate and dismiss items but you can’t do them all yourself.
So just relax. And so will I. I’ve made huge progress in learning and doing. I will continue to make more progress until the launch and well beyond it.
There will be many tomorrow’s after the 23rd January launch. So be sure to enjoy the process and the success that has been happening.
Is this easy or hard for you to do? Are you filled with tension in your body? Is your mind constantly buzzing? Relax. It will do you a world of good.
Sometimes I simply lay down on the bed or sit in a chair and close my eyes. Then I empty my mind, relax my limbs and take many slow but deep breaths with equally slow exhales.
Three to five minutes of that and I can be as good as new. Though I do set my phone alarm for seven minutes now. By doing this, I have a better chance of not sleeping for an hour or two. It can be so instantly relaxing that you can doze off.
I have also used the Key Drop technique of Dali’s. Essentially, hold something in your hand and when you finally succumb, you drop it. When it hits the floor, you will awaken. You will have dozed off just enough to reinvigorate yourself. Then you can get back on with things.
Relaxing doesn’t have to involve sleep. Although, a good nap in the middle of the day has helped many famously hard driving people. However, you can also meditate. You can even just watch some comedy on YouTube. It really is up to you. But you should do something to relax every day.
You may find it a welcome habit. Go on, relax.
Learning To Chill
People can get very wound up and full of angst. It’s not good for them. There are so many reasons for it too. Learning to chill should be a full term course when you are 12 years old with some sort of reminder course at 16, 20 and every five years thereafter.
I can understand the angst and tension for liberal-leaning citizens. For example, in the UK, the Conservatives swept to power, Brexit will be done in two months, Trump won in 2016 and may win a second term and climate change issues are not getting much better. I’m not sure if there is much bothering the right-leaning citizens.
I suppose they both share a dislike of Covid as well.
One of my favourite techniques for relaxing is to sit quietly for a few minutes and remind myself how tough other generations have had it. Remember those that lived through WWI, the 1918 Pandemic, the Great Depression, WWII and the Cold War. They endured decades of uncertainty without the modern conveniences we have today. If they could do that, then we can get through whatever lies ahead for us.
Another way to relax is to turn off the news. Since when do you need to know about a German river bursting its banks? Or an Australian farmer’s cattle challenges? Tragic? Perhaps. Required knowledge? Doubtful.
Learning to chill is an art. Get artistic.
You’re Allowed To Have A Night Off
Sometimes things get out of control. It may all seem to loom larger than life and you just need a little break. You’re allowed to have a night off.
With so many things to do, learn, read, discuss, figure out, sort out, pay for, etc, we can forget to relax. Our bodies and our minds need some time to relax and rejuvenate.
It can be great to just do nothing. Or read for pure pleasure. Or go to bed early and get an incredible night’s sleep. Once in a while, you should just do whatever you feel like, and enjoy it.
Entrepreneurs, career minded professionals, parents and people with all kinds of other commitments, need a break now and then.
Give yourself permission to enjoy a little ‘you’ time. You’re allowed to have a night off. Maybe you should schedule that in tonight. Hint hint.