CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Avoid Discomfort At Your Peril.

Having comfy shoes, comfy clothes, and a comfy job can be the ideal life for some people. They may even want comfort foods, their coffee and wine or cigarettes to help mask any discomfort.

But beware: If everything is so comfy you might go to jelly, physically and mentally. Sometimes you need tough stuff to harden you. You will need some discipline and resilience to get through the discomfort. Get yourself a little uncomfortable, for that is the way to get yourself to unstoppable.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

Mindset Inequality

Perhaps it is not a wealth, race, religion or gender issue. What if the main reason for societal imbalances is our thought process? Mindset inequality may be the real issue we need to address.

If you are taught to find problems in society, you will find them. In contrast, if you believe that nothing will stop you, then nothing will. In addition, we will all have speed bumps in our life. They will be there to test our patience, resilience, good nature, desire and determination. However, everyone will have different bumps along their path.

How we have people approach those bumps may determine how well the people succeed. Do you want people to approach obstacles as a victim or a victor? Would you rather tell people not to try, because the deck is stacked against them, or to go prove it is possible to the world?

Great mindsets tend to win. A great and empowering philosophy transcends challenges and withstands substantial body blows. You can see the type of mindset successful people tend to have. They believe it is possible. And, even if they aren’t sure, they train and work hard at it, just in case it could happen for them.

Do you want to give your child, friend, family member or anyone else a hand up in this world? If so, then teach them to be resilient and unstoppable.

Do your part to eliminate mindset inequality.

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Up Your Game

Whatever you are doing is not good enough. Your potential is well beyond your current activity. It is definitely time to up your game.

On Sunday I went for a run and it was a gorgeous day for it. I decided to go around the whole of Richmond Park. By the time I’d returned back home, I had completed 16 kilometres (10 miles). It was a great run. I felt good, the scenery was excellent, the air was fresh and clean, not too many people out and I listened to a great book called Psycho-Cybernetics.

Ten Years ago I ran in a race called the Cabbage Patch 10 – a 10 mile flat race. As a sprinter with forays into 5 km and occasionally 10 km, that 16 kilometres was very tough. My legs were aching for days. I even had an ice bath after to reduce swelling.

However, in the intervening period I have upped my distance, stamina and perception of the distance. So much so, I was simply running along on Sunday, enjoying the experience, and decided I would stretch my run from 10 km to 16 km. In addition, a couple hours after I returned, I went for a family walk for almost two hours.

This is just one area I have built resilience and made a definite improvement in my life. I am working on others.

It’s time to up your game.


Dealing With Disappointment

I’m sure we have all had an expectation which wasn’t met. Therefore, dealing with disappointment will have been a factor in our life, whether it was a grade at school, sporting challenge, friendship or dining experience.

We all deal with disappointment differently. Some of our coping mechanisms will have been learned observationally through watching our parents. Some will have come from friends, books and strangers.

As with anything, we should strive, with an open mind, to find the best techniques and tips. There may be 10-20 options to choose from. Some will work well for us and others will be less effective.

Regardless, it’s a good skill to learn and develop. Improving on our ability to be resilient is a very good idea. This is an important point as, generally, as we grow older, the problems can become more significant with greater implications. So it is ideal to learn very good skills early on and hone them for when the big challenges occur.

Today I went for my quarterly blood donation. I’ve recently adjusted my diet a little and it seems I was just a tad low on iron. So I was thanked for coming and told to try again in three months.

I was more disappointed than I thought I should be. However, dealing with disappointment like this is good practice for the big stuff in life.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Build Your Endurance

Life is a series of sprints wrapped inside a marathon. There are ups and downs, victories and challenges. If you build your endurance, you will survive and probably thrive as you move from one sprint to another.

Most people seem to notice the challenges ahead more than they celebrate the victories that loom in the past. Whatever you focus on will be your reality. So choose what you focus on carefully. You will have enough of your own challenges in life without adding anyone else’s to your list.

As you build your resilience and your endurance, you will gain additional confidence and personal power. With these attributes you will improve your rate of success. This will build your mental strength so that you can call on that when you need to endure difficult times.

Remember to get the flywheel of success working with you. It is much better than having the flywheel of doom working against you. Amazingly, you get to choose which one you have at your side, based on your focus and attitude. Bizarrely, too many people choose the later rather than the former.

I’ve never understood why someone would want to make a life full of challenges even more challenging.

Stay focused and build your endurance.
